Open Access Procedure

Open Access Procedure

The purpose of our procedure

Our procedure increases the reach, impact and visibility of our research outputs by making them as openly available as possible to the widest appropriate audience; supports our obligations under the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018; and assists in fulfilling our responsibilities to funding bodies.

Please read this Procedure in conjunction with the:

  • Research Integrity Policy
  • [Authorship Procedure]
  • [Research Data, Information and Primary Materials Procedure]
  • [Intellectual Property Policy]
  • [Copyright Procedure]
  • The Open Access policies of applicable research funders.

Who our procedure applies to

All members of the Adelaide University Community who are involved in, or who assist with, the conduct of research associated with Adelaide University.

Our Open Access Procedure

1. Depositing research outputs

The following research outputs must be deposited in the institutional repository:

  • peer-reviewed journal articles
  • peer-reviewed conference papers
  • books and book chapters
  • Graduate research theses
  • Non-traditional research outputs (NTRO) e.g. creative works, research reports. (See NTRO definition)

Non-peer-reviewed research outputs such as conference contributions, software or computer code are recommended to be deposited.

Open access requirements for research data are covered by the [Research Data, Information and Primary Materials Procedure].

2. A guide to depositing your research output

2.1 Traditional Research Outputs

Traditional Research Outputs primarily achieve open access status by either depositing the final author accepted manuscript into a repository, or by fee-based availability of the published version of the article via the publisher’s platform.

The final author accepted manuscript (the accepted version of a paper following peer-review and prior to publication), must be deposited into a repository.

Alternatively, the final published version of your research output may be deposited in a repository if the publisher has agreed for it to be open access.

Pre-prints are not accepted into the repositories.

2.2 Non-traditional research outputs (NTRO)

For non-traditional research outputs a descriptive metadata record at a minimum is required for repository deposit. It is also recommended that associated NTRO files are deposited, where possible. Refer to the Repository Submission Guidelines for NTRO file guidance.

3. About open access repositories

Research outputs deposited in an institutional repository will be made open access except where there are restrictions or embargoes arising from an agreement, such as those related to publication, intellectual property, copyright, commercialisation, ethical, confidentiality, cultural sensitivity, national security or any other legal obligations.

To maximise discovery of your research output, all associated metadata will default to being open access.

Open access to author accepted manuscripts may be delayed due to open access embargoes included in the publication agreement. You are encouraged to avoid agreeing to an embargo greater than 12 months from the date of publication and, where necessary, make reasonable attempts to negotiate this provision with the publisher.

Any required embargoes and access restrictions will be managed by [Library Staff/Team].

4. Where should you deposit your research output?

Until such time as a single repository is created for Adelaide University, you are required to use the existing repository of the by-lined foundation university:

  • for the University of Adelaide, this is Adelaide Research & Scholarship (AR&S)
  • for the University of South Australia, this is the Research Outputs Repository (ROR).

Submission guidelines, including NTRO file guidance, are available at:

5. When do you need to deposit your research output?

Research outputs need to be deposited as soon as possible, but no later than three months from the date of formal publication or sooner if an earlier date is mandated by specific funding agreements. What else do you need to do?

Please inform the library of any restrictions that prevent making the output open access, such as commercial or confidentiality reasons, when you deposit it. Also, ensure all outputs comply with copyright rules for using third-party images, tables, quotes and figures.

As well as complying with this Procedure, you must also comply with the open access policies or funding agreements of relevant funding organisations which may be more restrictive.

We recommend that you apply for a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 licence for your research outputs. This may be a mandatory requirement by some research funders.

All reasonable steps must be taken to retain the copyright of your research outputs in your publication agreements. Where the publication agreement does not allow for this you are encouraged to attach the following addendum to the contract:

The Author has the right to publicly archive their revised, peer-reviewed personal version of their paper on their institutional website and their personal website, provided in all cases a link to the journal article on the publisher website is included.

Definitions used in our procedure

Please refer to our Adelaide University glossary for a full list of our definitions.

Adelaide University community refers to a broad range of stakeholders who engage with Adelaide University and includes (but is not limited to) all students, staff, and non-staff members of Adelaide University including alumni, honorary titleholders, adjuncts, visiting academics, guest lecturers, volunteers, suppliers and partners who are engaging with and contributing to the work of Adelaide University.

Author accepted manuscript (or ‘post-print’) means the version which has been accepted for publication and which incorporates corrections and changes following peer-review. It does not usually include the publisher’s typesetting or formatting.

Creative commons means the internationally-recognised licensing scheme which permits the sharing, reuse, remix and repurpose of copyright material whilst also ensuring that creators retain specified rights.

Foundation university means either The University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia.

Metadata means the information describing an item, group of items or other research output. It is data about data and is used to describe both physical items and digital items (files, documents, images, datasets, etc.).

Non-traditional research outputs means original creative works, live performances of creative works, recorded/rendered creative works, curated or produced substantial public exhibitions and events, portfolio, or publicly available research reports for an external body.

Open access means the world-wide online accessibility of knowledge and materials from Adelaide University, including research outputs and research data, free of charge and access restrictions.

Pre-print means the author’s original version of a research output prior to peer review.

Research output means the dissemination of research findings and includes scholarly books, book chapters, reference works, journal articles, conference papers, working paper series, multimedia and other non-traditional research outputs.

How our procedure is governed

This Procedure is categorised, approved and owned in line with the governance structure of Adelaide University and the offices and officers listed below.

Parent policyResearch Integrity Policy
Parent policyResearch Integrity Policy
Parent policy
Policy category
Research Integrity Policy
Parent policy
Approving authority
Research Integrity Policy
Co-Vice Chancellors/Vice Chancellor and President
Parent policy
Policy owner
Research Integrity Policy
Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation
Parent policy
Responsible officer
Research Integrity Policy
Parent policy
Effective from
Research Integrity Policy
14 January 2025
Parent policy
Review date
Research Integrity Policy
14 January 2028
Parent policy
Research Integrity Policy

Interim Central Policy Unit

Parent policy
Replaced documents
Research Integrity Policy

Legislation and other documents related to this procedure

Adelaide University Act (2023)
State Records Act (1997)
Higher Education Standards Framework standards
HESF Domain 4. Research and Research Training
Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018
Publication and Dissemination of Research: a guide supporting the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research

This Procedure is categorised, approved and owned in line with the governance structure of Adelaide University and the offices and officers listed below.

History of changes

Date approvedTo section/clauses
Description of change
Date approvedTo section/clauses
Description of change
Date approved
14 January 2025
To section/clauses
Description of change
New procedure

At the time of writing, the organisational structure, positions, committees etc for Adelaide University have not been confirmed. Accordingly, square brackets [ ] temporarily enclose position titles in this procedure until position titles for Adelaide University are confirmed.