Assessment Policy

Assessment Policy

1. Purpose

1.1. This policy outlines the principles that underpin coursework Assessment at Adelaide University which will enable learning, certify learning achievements and support continual improvement and accountability.

2. Scope 

2.1. This policy applies to all coursework components of Adelaide University programs, including single course and cross-institutional enrolments, short courses, microcredentials, non-award and offshore courses.

3. Policy principles

3.1. Adelaide University will align assessment with required learning outcomes and graduate qualities as well as legislative and external accreditation requirements. 

3.2. Assessment will be authentic, valid, reliable, rigorous, quality assured and criterion-referenced. Assessment will promote discipline standards, development of critical thinking, and support life-long learning.

3.3. Assessment practices must be fair and equitable to students and engage them in a productive, meaningful activity that scaffolds learning and gives them opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned.

3.4. Adelaide University will use a variety of assessment techniques to avoid disadvantage and unconscious bias. Assessment will be accessible, inclusive, support equity and disability principles, and consider the diversity of Adelaide University’s cohorts. 

3.5. Assessment feedback will be timely, meaningful, clear, constructive, and actionable. It will give students the opportunity to respond constructively to feedback, evaluate their learning and adapt to best achieve the learning outcomes.

3.6. Assessment design will promote and educate students on Academic integrity.

3.7. Assessment will support continual improvement and accountability by providing evidence of effective educational practice to inform teaching.

4. Definitions 

4.1. Academic integrity means a commitment to act with honesty, trustworthiness, fairness, respect, and responsibility in all academic work.

4.2. Assessment is a process where a student demonstrates their attainment of learning outcomes, through the completion of graded or non-graded activities.


Document authorities and history


Policy category


Approving authority

Co-Vice Chancellors via Transition Council delegation upon recommendation from Transitional Academic Board

Responsible Officer 

Co-Vice Chancellors or their delegate

Policy effective from

31 May 2024 

Policy review date

31 May 2029


Contact us

Document history

This is a new Adelaide University policy

HESF Framework Domain

Domain 1. Student Participation and Attainment 


Related documents


Associated procedures


Referenced documents

Assessment Framework

Referenced legislation