Our journey

Students on campus


Adelaide University is a future-focused university that combines the strengths of the University of South Australia and the University of Adelaide to deliver nation-leading curriculum and student experience, greater access to education, and world-class research excellence. It will drive the innovation and scale needed to make transformational investments for South Australia and beyond. 

We are shaping a contemporary university that is connected to priority industries and produces graduates that are highly sought after around the world. A new university of global standing sustainably ranked in the top 1% worldwide. 

Adelaide University has received the necessary registration from the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) as a new Australian University higher education provider, and for the maximum possible period of seven years. The next step in the regulatory process is to work with the Commonwealth on the required amendments to the Higher Education Support Act (HESA) for Adelaide University to receive status as a Table A Australian Public University. 

Co-creation is at the heart of our transition to Adelaide University. Talented academic and professional staff from every area of both the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia have been fundamental in progressing us to this point, as has feedback from our diverse communities. 

We are focused on continuing to advance detailed transition planning and implementation, including further engagement with our communities to help design and co-create the new institution with a target launch date of 1 January 2026.  

Timeline to implementation

  • March: State Government elected with a higher education policy to explore university amalgamations.
  • November: University Councils resolved to explore the feasibility of a new university for the future.
  • December: Statement of Cooperation signed between both universities and the State and Federal Governments.

  • January: Universities commenced a joint feasibility assessment.
  • March: Vision Statement released and feedback sought from the university and broader communities.
  • June: Business case and associated documentation presented to both University Councils.
  • July: Agreement reached. University Councils resolve to support a combined new Adelaide University following careful consideration. 
  • September: Parliamentary Joint Committee further explored the merits of a new university and released a report in support with key recommendations. Draft legislation introduced to State Parliament.
  • November: Welcomed the passage for legislation to establish a new Adelaide University.
  • December: Adelaide University Transition Council composition identified.

  • Q1: Path to legislation.  
    Adelaide University is established and registered as a higher education provider. Endorsement of the first Strategic Ambition and Direction. 
    Commence detailed transition planning.
  • Q2: Path to market.  
    Rollout enabling systems to launch the new Adelaide University brand to the world and commence student recruitment.
  • 2024 > 2026: Path to Day One.  
    Continue detailed transition planning and transfer of all core business functions ready for 1 January 2026 (Day One).

  • Q1: Target launch date. Operational commencement and opening our doors to the new Adelaide University on 1 January 2026 (Day One).
  • 2026 > 2034: Transform to Target State. Ongoing transformation and evolution to reach our full ambition for the new Adelaide University by 2034.


View or download documents about Adelaide University

Vision Statement

Discover the vision outlining a shared ambition for a combined university for the future in South Australia.
Future University Vision Statement.pdf
2 MB

Strategic Ambition and Direction 2024-2034

1 MB

Adelaide University staff intranet

Accessible to University of South Australia and University of Adelaide staff only.

Transition co-creation

Crowdsourcing big ideas and watching them take shape.