Enrolment Policy

Enrolment Policy

1. Purpose

1.1. This policy outlines the principles under which Students are enrolled in Adelaide University courses. 

2. Scope 

2.1. This policy applies to all Adelaide University students and all Adelaide University courses.

3. Policy principles

3.1. Adelaide University enrolment processes will be consistent, fair, transparent, formally documented, and comply with applicable external regulations and requirements.

3.2. Adelaide University will provide students with clear, timely and accurate enrolment advice, including critical dates, and will make readily available the necessary information and support services to enable students to fulfill enrolment requirements.

3.3. Adelaide University will comply with all legislative obligations, including ensuring that international students studying on a student visa will do so in accordance with the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 and relevant student visa conditions, and that a student’s enrolment status is accurately reflected in their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE).

3.4. Adelaide University may amend, discontinue, suspend, or cancel a student’s enrolment under certain conditions established to meet Adelaide University and legal compliance requirements. This may occur at the instigation of either Adelaide University or the student.

3.5. A student will be refused enrolment in an Adelaide University course if:

3.5.1. The student has been Expelled from Adelaide University or its Legacy Universities or is currently Suspended or Precluded from a program. This includes attempts to enrol as a non-award student in a course that forms part of a program from which the student has been precluded.

3.5.2. The student has previously passed the same or an equivalent course in the same program.

3.6. Before commencing study at Adelaide University, a student must be enrolled and agree to abide by Adelaide University’s regulations, conditions, policies, and procedures.

3.7. Based on duty of care requirements, a student enrolling at Adelaide University must be at least 17 years of age at the date of enrolment. Exceptions may apply for enrolment into pre-approved courses or for individuals, where the applicant is able to provide evidence of outstanding academic achievement and demonstrate readiness for university study.

3.8. Students are responsible for providing and maintaining accurate personal information and managing their enrolment in accordance with program requirements and legislative compliance.

3.9. Where enrolment into a program is subject to additional academic or registration requirements, students must comply with these requirements or will be withdrawn from the program. Where registration with a professional board or other relevant body is required, this must be maintained for the duration of the program.

4. Definitions 

4.1. Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is an official document issued by Adelaide University to international students to confirm enrolment status as required by the Australian Government for student visa holders.

4.2. Expulsion means the cancellation of enrolment of a student of Adelaide University or a Legacy University and termination of all rights and privileges as a student of Adelaide University including the right to re-enrol as a student and right to enter or to be on Adelaide University grounds or premises.

4.3. Preclusion of a student from a program means cancellation of that student’s enrolment and prohibition from re-enrolment in that program for two calendar years.

4.4. Legacy Universities are The University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia and any of their preceding institutions. 

4.5. A Student is a person enrolled in an enabling program, award or non-award coursework study, a research program, or a short course or microcredential at Adelaide University.

4.6. Suspension means the cancellation of enrolment of a student of Adelaide University or a Legacy University and the discontinuation for a specified time of all rights and privileges as a student of Adelaide University, including the right to re-enrol as a student, and the right to enter or to be on Adelaide University grounds or premises.


Document authorities and history


Policy category


Approving authority

Co-Vice Chancellors via Transition Council delegation upon recommendation from Transitional Academic Board

Responsible Officer 

Co-Vice Chancellors or their delegate

Policy effective from

22 March 2024

Policy review date

22 March 2029


Contact us

Document history

This is a new Adelaide University policy 

HESF Domain

Domain 1. Student Participation and Attainment

Related documents



Associated procedures



Enrolment Procedure

Academic Preclusion, Suspension and Expulsion Procedure


Referenced documents


Referenced legislation


Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000

Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021