1. Purpose
1.1. This procedure describes the processes for managing student program transfers.
1.2. This procedure should be read in conjunction with the Admissions Policy and Enrolment Policy.
2. Scope
2.1. This procedure applies to all students in Adelaide University undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs.
2.2. Program transfers from research degree programs are subject to the Research Degree Policy1 and associated procedures.
3. Procedure
Internal Transfers between Programs
3.1. Internal transfer enables a student to apply for, and be admitted to, another Adelaide University program without needing to apply through the standard admission processes.
3.2. Applications for internal transfer may be for transfer to:
3.2.1. Another program or plan at the same level (for example, bachelor to bachelor).
3.2.2. Another program at a lower level (for example, masters to graduate certificate).
3.2.3. Another program at a higher level (for example, diploma to bachelor, or graduate certificate to masters).
3.3. A student cannot internally transfer from an undergraduate program to a postgraduate program.
3.4. Applications for internal transfer will be allowed where all the following conditions are met:
3.4.1. The program is approved to accept internal transfers.
3.4.2. The program into which the student wants to transfer has capacity to admit the student.
3.4.3. The student meets the program’s entry requirements and selection criteria.
3.5. To be considered for an internal transfer at the undergraduate level, a student must have completed a minimum of one course within an Adelaide University program.
3.6. A successful internal transfer application means a student will be transferred to commence in the new program from the beginning of the next available study period. The student will no longer be able to enrol in their previous program.
3.7. A student who transfers to another program internally will be charged the tuition fee or student contribution amount that applies to other students commencing that program in that academic year.
3.8. If a student transfers from one program to another, credit approved for the original program will not automatically be transferred. A student will be reassessed for credit under the new program.
3.9. A student wishing to transfer to a program for which internal transfer is not available must apply for admission through the standard entry processes.
International students internal transfer
3.10. International students are advised to review their visa expiry date and ensure that both their visa and Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) cover the period for which they will be enrolled in the new program.
International student transfer restrictions between providers
3.11. International students cannot transfer to another provider before they have completed six months of their Principal Program of study unless Adelaide University grants a release from their program.
3.12. Students seeking a release must apply to Adelaide University by completing a release application form accompanied by a statement explaining the student's reasons for seeking a release and a valid offer letter from another registered provider. Applications will be assessed within 10 business days of Adelaide University receiving a completed application.
3.13. Adelaide University will consider granting release from a program when one or more of the following apply:
3.13.1. The student has completed at least one compulsory study period of their principal program while studying a full-time load.
3.13.2. The student is unable to achieve satisfactory academic progress even after engaging with Adelaide University’s or a pathway provider’s intervention and support strategies.
3.13.3. There is evidence the student has enrolled in the program based on misleading advice from Adelaide University or an authorised representative.
3.13.4. There is evidence the student’s reasonable expectations about their program are not being met.
3.13.5. Adelaide University is unable to deliver the program as outlined in the written agreement.
3.13.6. An appeal (internal or external to Adelaide University) on another matter results in a decision or recommendation to release the student from their program.
3.13.7. The student’s government sponsor confirms in writing that the transfer is in the student’s best interest.
3.13.8. There is demonstrable evidence of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances as outlined in Section 7 of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.
3.13.9. The transfer is in the interests of the student's welfare, such as when a relative relocates.
3.13.10. The student is under 18 years of age and has provided written evidence from a parent or legal guardian supporting the transfer and, if the student is not being cared for in Australia by a parent or suitable nominated relative, there is written evidence to confirm that the receiving provider will accept responsibility for approving the student's accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements.
3.13.11. There is demonstrable evidence of Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances as outlined in Standard 7 of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.
3.14. Adelaide University will refuse a request for release from a program when:
3.14.1. The transfer would jeopardise the student’s progress through a package of programs.
3.14.2. The program into which the student intends to transfer has already commenced.
3.14.3. The student intends to transfer to another sector, or lower qualification level.
3.14.4. The student owes tuition fees.
3.14.5. The student has changed their mind about studying a program at Adelaide University.
3.14.6. The student has failed to meet student visa conditions including their obligation to ensure they have sufficient financial capacity to fund their study and living costs.
3.14.7. The student wishes to transfer to a program similar to those offered by Adelaide University or one of its pathway providers.
3.14.8. Adelaide University believes the student has not made a genuine attempt to actively participate in their studies and/or meet the assessment requirements of the program.
3.14.9. The transfer is in the interests of the student's welfare, such as when a relative relocates.
3.14.10. Adelaide University considers the student may be trying to avoid being reported to the Australian Government for failure to meet the pathway provider’s academic progression rules.
3.14. When Adelaide University intends to refuse a request for a release from a program, it will advise the student in writing within 10 business days of receipt of the student's complete application, providing reasons for the decision and information about the student's right of appeal. A copy of the advice will be retained on the student's record and sent to the prospective provider.
3.15. The student can lodge an appeal to a refusal of transfer through the appropriate appeals avenue. However, this will relate only to Adelaide University’s administrative processes, not the decision itself.
3.16. The student can lodge an appeal to a refusal of transfer through the appropriate appeals avenue within 20 business days of being notified of the outcome. However, this will relate only to Adelaide University’s administrative processes, not the decision itself.
4. Definitions
4.1. Census date is the date within each study period by which a student's enrolment must be finalised for a course, and applicable fees and charges are incurred. It is the last day that a student can withdraw from a course and have it deleted from their academic record.
It is also the deadline for various financial requirements, including submission of request for Commonwealth support and HECS-HELP form; submission of request for FEE-HELP Assistance; payment of any up-front payment of student contribution; obtaining a HECS-HELP loan; or supplying a Tax File Number.
4.2. Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances for holders of international student visas are those beyond the control of the student and have an impact on the student’s academic progress or wellbeing. Examples include:
a. Serious illness or injury supported by a medical certificate.
b. Bereavement of close family members such as a parent or grandparent. A death certificate should be provided, where possible.
c. Major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel, which has impacted on the student’s studies.
d. Adelaide University is unable to offer a prerequisite course.
e. Inability to begin studying on the program’s commencement date due to a delay in receiving a student visa.
f. A traumatic experience, supported by police or a psychologist statement, such as involvement in, or witnessing a serious accident, or witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime.
4.3. Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is an official document issued by Adelaide University to international students to confirm enrolment status as required by the Australian Government for student visa holders.
4.4. Principal Program is the highest program of study to be undertaken by an international student where the student visa has been issued for multiple programs and is usually the final program of study.
Document authorities and history
Title | Details |
Procedure category | Academic |
Approving authority | Co-Vice Chancellors via Transition Council delegation upon recommendation from Transitional Academic Board |
Responsible Officer | Co-Vice Chancellors or their delegate |
Procedure effective from | 31 May 2024 |
Procedure review date | 31 May 2029 |
Enquiries | |
Document history | This is a new Adelaide University procedure |
HESF Domain | Domain 1. Student Participation and Attainment |
Related documents
Title | Documents |
Parent policy | |
Associated procedures |
Admission for Coursework Programs Procedure |
Referenced documents | |
Referenced legislation | Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS) National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 |