Recognition of Prior Learning Policy

Recognition of Prior Learning Policy

1. Purpose

1.1. This policy outlines the principles applying to Recognition of Prior Learning at Adelaide University.

2. Scope 

2.1. This policy applies to current and Prospective Adelaide University Students who apply for or receive recognition of prior learning Credit towards an Enabling Program, or undergraduate or postgraduate coursework program.

2.2. This policy does not apply to Adelaide University students undertaking microcredentials or short courses.

3. Policy principles

3.1. Adelaide University is committed to recognising the contribution of students’ prior learning towards their program requirements.

3.2. Credit may be granted for Formal and Informal Learning, with guidance regarding eligibility provided to prospective students in a clear, transparent, and publicly available credit framework.

3.3. Credit determinations will be: 

3.3.1. Evidence-based, equitable and transparent.

3.3.2. Academically sound.

3.3.3. Applied consistently and fairly, and subject to review.

3.4. Credit will be granted for prior learning that is relevant and equivalent to the learning required for the courses for which credit is sought. Credit will not be granted if:

3.4.1. Doing so compromises the credibility and integrity of the program for which credit is being sought.

3.4.2. Doing so would contravene conditions of the program’s professional accreditation.

3.4.3. Doing so undermines the student’s ability to meet the program’s intended learning outcomes.

3.5. Adelaide University will ensure that recognition of prior learning is current and completed no more than ten years before the time of commencement. Program-specific requirements may apply whereby previous learning must have been completed within a shorter period. 

3.6. Adelaide University may advise prospective students regarding indicative credit on the understanding that this advice may differ from a final credit decision.

4. Definitions 

4.1. Credit is the value assigned for the recognition of achievement of prior learning. Credit reduces the volume of new learning required to achieve a university qualification.

4.2. An Enabling Program develops student skills and knowledge necessary for successful participation in university study.

4.3. Formal Learning takes place through a structured program that leads to the full or partial achievement of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) award or international equivalent. 

4.4. Informal Learning takes place through work and other experience, outside of a structured program.

4.5. A Prospective Student is a person who has contacted Adelaide University or an agent representing Adelaide University with the intent of becoming a student.

4.6. Recognition of Prior Learning is the process by which an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal, and non-formal learning) is assessed to determine credit that may be granted towards completion of an Adelaide University award program.

4.7. A Student is a person enrolled in an enabling program, award or non-award coursework study, a research program, or a short course or microcredential at Adelaide University.


Document authorities and history


Policy category


Approving authority

Co-Vice Chancellors via Transition Council delegation upon recommendation from Transitional Academic Board

Responsible Officer 

Co-Vice Chancellors or their delegate

Policy effective from

22 March 2024

Policy review date

22 March 2029


Contact us

Document history

This is a new Adelaide University policy 

HESF Domain

Domain 1. Student Participation and Attainment


Related documents


Associated procedures

Credit Procedure

Referenced documents


Referenced legislation

Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000

Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021