Graduate Research: Joint PhD Award Program Procedure

Graduate Research: Joint PhD Award Program Procedure

The purpose of our procedure

Our procedure outlines the requirements and processes for the establishment and administration of joint PhD award programs between Adelaide University and its research partners in Australia and globally.

Please read this procedure in conjunction with our:

Who our procedure applies to

  • PhD graduate research students
  • PhD supervisors
  • staff associated with the support, management and leadership of PhD programs
  • research partnerships which deliver joint PhD award programs

Who our procedure does not apply to

  • Research partnerships which deliver dual PhD award programs

Our Joint PhD Award Program Procedure

1.    How we establish joint PhD award programs

A joint PhD award program will be established only when it is evidenced there is alignment with the strategic directions and priorities of Adelaide University.

The academic standards of joint PhD award programs must be equivalent to those of comparable award programs offered solely by Adelaide University.

Partner institutions must have the academic standing to deliver joint PhD award programs to the required academic quality standards of Adelaide University; the financial standing to sustain them; the legal authority to confer them, and the comparable standing in international rankings with Adelaide University.

These academic quality standards include:

2.    How we set up joint PhD award program agreements

An agreement between Adelaide University and a single partner institution will be established for each agreed joint PhD award program. All joint PhD award programs require approval of the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation on recommendation of the [Pro Vice Chancellor Research Training].

Where an opportunity for a joint PhD award program is identified, the [International Office/Global Engagement] must arrange for appropriate due diligence to assess the extent to which the intended collaboration meets Adelaide University’s strategic objectives.

Where the proposal involves an international partner institution, the supporter of a proposed agreement must complete a submission detailing the collaboration for a Foreign Compliance Review (FCR). This will in turn initiate a Foreign Arrangements Scheme notification if necessary for the purposes of Australia’s Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020. A joint PhD award program agreement cannot be signed on behalf of Adelaide University, unless and until it has received FECR endorsement from [Research and Innovation and Global Engagement].

There are two types of joint PhD award program agreements: institutional and individual.

Institutional joint PhD award program agreements are managed by [International Office/Global Engagement] upon endorsement of the [Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation and [PVC Research Training] and reviewed by [Legal Services].

Individual joint PhD award program agreements are managed by the [Adelaide University Graduate School] upon endorsement of the relevant academic area [Graduate Research Coordinator/Head of School].

All agreements must explicitly address:

Graduate research student management

  • admission requirements
  • the indicative time to be spent in each participating institution, which will comprise at a minimum 12 months of full-time study in each institution
  • application of rules and regulations
  • stipends, scholarships, issue of fees (as applicable)
  • supervision
  • candidature management
  • research training
  • thesis/research project requirements including the nature and language of the thesis, submission requirements
  • examination procedure including selection of examiners
  • completion/qualification requirements and award management
  • intellectual property, ethics and authorship
  • indemnity and insurance
  • student complaint resolution process.

Partnership management

  • coordination of agreement
  • promotional and marketing materials
  • alterations to agreement
  • dispute resolution between institutions
  • termination of agreement.

3.    About admission, enrolment and candidature

Our graduate research students:

  • must satisfy the entry and admission requirements for admission to the PhD at both institutions
  • will typically complete the requirements for the PhD within four years’ full-time equivalent study with a minimum two years’ full-time equivalent candidature is required
  • will be enrolled concurrently at both institutions for the duration of the candidature in the joint PhD award program
  • must apply to both institutions for consideration, and be approved by both institutions, any change in candidature such as leave of absence, extension of candidature
  • must have their confirmation of candidature approved by both institutions.

Each of our graduate research students will have their own graduate research student schedule or individual joint PhD award program agreement. This schedule or agreement will detail the dates when they will be at each institution, supervisors, and any other arrangements and responsibilities relating to their candidature which is signed by all parties. The schedule needs to be consistent with the arrangements outlined in the institutional joint PhD award agreement.

For international graduate students where Adelaide University is the home institution, a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) will be issued for the full duration of their candidature. Where Adelaide University is the partner institution, a CoE will be issued for the specified period at Adelaide University unless the project or agreement indicates multiple research visits are required. In this case, a CoE will be issued for the full duration of their candidature.

4.    How we manage conferrals

Joint PhD award program parchment designs must comply with Adelaide University’s [Marketing, Media and Communications Policy] and [Conferral and Graduation Procedure] and must be approved by the Vice Chancellor (or delegate).

The University's name and logo must be placed with equal prominence with the partner institution's name and logo on the parchment.

When the parchment is issued by the partner institution, the parchment must include a statement recognising that it is “conferred as a single degree under a jointly-awarded PhD program between [name of Home Institution] and the [name of Partner Institution]”.

5.    How we review and monitor compliance of joint- PhD award program agreements

Once a joint PhD award program agreement has been signed, the [Dean of Graduate Studies] will:

  • regularly monitor compliance with the obligations under the agreement
  • ensure that the agreement is regularly reviewed for alignment with the program schedules for graduate research programs, the requirements of this procedure and any other relevant Adelaide University policy and procedures.

Definitions used in our procedure

Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) specifies the standards for qualifications in the Australian education and training system.

Confirmation of Candidature is the structured review of the initial progress of a graduate research student’s research project, identifies any issues and ensures there’s a plan to successfully complete the graduate research degree within the specified time limit. It confirms the period of provisional enrolment has been successfully completed by the graduate research student.

Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is an official document issued by Adelaide University to international students to confirm enrolment status as required by the Australian Government for student visa holders.

Dual PhD award program refers to one or more PhD programs that leads to the award ofbtwo separate qualifications. Where the program involves an arrangement between two institutions, two qualifications are conferred separately, each with its own parchment.

Foreign Compliance Review is Adelaide University’s process for ensuring international engagement is in line with Australia’s foreign compliance obligations and Adelaide University’s interests.

Home institution is the institution designated as the primary coordinating institution of a graduate research student undertaking a joint PhD program. Normally, it is the institution at which the graduate research student intends to spend the greater period of time.

Institutional joint PhD award program agreement refers to an arrangement which provides an overarching agreement for the joint award of a PhD with a partner institution. Multiple graduate research students may enrol under this type of an agreement.

Individual joint PhD award program agreement refers to an agreement between Adelaide University and a partner institution for a specific graduate research student.

Joint PhD award program refers to a PhD program for graduate research students, delivered jointly by two institutions. Upon completion, a graduate research student receives a single award conferred jointly by those institutions.

Partner institution is an institution in which Adelaide University has a joint PhD award program agreement for a graduate research student to undertake a joint PhD program.

Please refer to our Adelaide University glossary for a full list of our definitions.

How our procedure is governed

This procedure is categorised, approved and owned in line with the governance structure of Adelaide University and the offices and officers listed below.

Parent policy

Graduate Research Policy

Policy category


Approving authority

Co-Vice Chancellors

Policy owner

Deputy Vice Chancellor - Research and Innovation

Responsible officer


Effective from

14 January 2025

Review date

14 January 2026


Interim Central Policy Unit

Replaced documents


History of changes

Date approved

To section/clauses

Description of change

14 January 2025


New procedure

Note on structures, positions and position titles: 

At the time of writing, the organisational structure, position titles and committees for Adelaide University have not been confirmed. Accordingly, square brackets [ ] temporarily enclose titles in this procedure until titles for Adelaide University are confirmed.