Graduate Research Admission Procedure

The purpose of our procedure

Our procedure outlines the processes for selecting and admitting prospective graduate research students into Adelaide University graduate research programs.

Please read this procedure in conjunction with our:

Our procedure authorises the [manager] to maintain a [Graduate Research Admission Protocol][1].

Who our procedure applies to

  • Prospective graduate research students and applicants for admission into Adelaide University graduate research programs
  • Graduate research student supervisors
  • Staff associated with the support, management and leadership of graduate research programs.

Who our procedure does not apply to

Prospective coursework students or coursework applicants.

Our Graduate Research Admissions Procedure

1.    Our admission requirements

Admission requirements are designed to enable us to select applicants who are likely to succeed in their graduate research program.

Our admission requirements for all graduate research programs are recommended by the [Graduate Research Committee] to the relevant authority [Transitional Academic Board] for approval.

All international graduate research students must hold a valid Australian visa permitting study, unless studying offshore.

Recommendations for admission will be approved by the relevant [Senior manager e.g. Dean of Graduate Studies] in line with Adelaide University’s strategy, relevant program rules and legislative/regulatory requirements.

2.    How applications are assessed and applicants are admitted

Applicants are:

  • Responsible for providing accurate information that meets the admission requirements within the specified timelines.
  • Required to make supervisory arrangements for their intended research project before an application for admission into a graduate research program can be considered.

Admission to any graduate research program will only be approved by [Senior manager e.g. Dean of Graduate Studies] if supervisors with the relevant experience, and adequate facilities and resources to support the applicant’s proposed research project for the length of the project, are available.

Satisfying admission requirements enables an applicant to be considered for admission, however it does not guarantee an offer of admission to the program.

Adelaide University have discretion to determine whether a qualification offered for admission is equivalent to that specified in the admission requirements.

International applicants’ compliance with our National Security Obligations (e.g. Autonomous Sanctions, UFIT Guidelines, Critical Technologies, Defence Export Controls) will be undertaken in line with our risk assessment approach.

International applicants may be required to demonstrate compliance with legislative requirements, for example, student visa conditions.

We may determine exemptions to admission requirements for an individual applicant in exceptional circumstances where sufficient evidence has been provided to demonstrate that the applicant is likely to succeed in the program. Exemptions to admission requirements must be approved by the relevant [Senior manager e.g. Dean of Graduate Studies, or nominee].

Notwithstanding the principles in the Admissions Policy and/or legal considerations, we have absolute discretion to determine whether an applicant is offered admission.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application in writing by the [Graduate Research School].

Successful applications will receive an offer letter which outlines the conditions and admission requirements, visa obligations, legal requirements, required fee payments and start date.

3.    How to defer an offer of admission

Applicants who accept an offer of admission must start within the time indicated in the offer letter unless a request for a deferral is approved by the [manager in Graduate Research School].

International graduate research students who have received a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) cannot defer the start of their program unless there are Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances.

Deferment beyond the latest start date, as defined in the offer letter, is dependent on the availability of appropriate supervision and resources.

Deferments of up to six months are to be approved by the principal supervisor.

International graduate research students who defer their commencement for a period exceeding six months may need to provide additional evidence of their English language proficiency.

Deferments exceeding six months are approved by the relevant [Senior manager e.g. Dean of Graduate Studies] upon endorsement of the relevant supervisor.

International graduate research students who defer or delay their commencement to the following calendar year, will be subject to new fees. As such, a new offer letter will be issued.

4.    How prior learning is recognised

Applicants must submit, at the time of application, evidence of prior learning from another graduate research program and/or credit for relevant coursework undertaken at Adelaide University or other higher education provider (HEP).

Relevant prior learning and/or application for credit for relevant coursework will be considered by [Authority to be confirmed].

Prior learning will be considered in determining the maximum time allocated to complete the graduate research program.

Where credit is approved for an international graduate research student visa holder which shortens the program duration after a visa is issued, we will provide the graduate research student with a revised Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE).

Applicants will be provided with reasons when credit is not approved.

Applications for credit, supporting evidence and the outcome of the application will be recorded in the appropriate Adelaide University system.

5.    Why an offer may be withdrawn

We reserve the right to withdraw an offer of admission of an applicant in cases where:

  • An offer is made in error.
  • An offer is made based on incomplete, inaccurate, fraudulent, or misleading information supplied by the applicant or certifying authority.
  • Appropriate supervision for the agreed project is no longer available.
  • Applicant fails to provide information required by Adelaide University within the timeframe specified.
  • Applicant has not met the student visa conditions or other legislative requirements, or applicants put Adelaide University’s ability to meet its National Security Obligations in jeopardy.
  • Applicant poses a risk to a member or members of the Adelaide University Community or behaves in a way that is inconsistent with Adelaide University’s [Code of Conduct and Values] or other relevant policies or procedures. 
  • Applicant fails to disclose prior misconduct findings at any HEP.
  • There is a failure to meet any condition of offer by the specified date.
  • Adelaide University no longer offers the program.
  • Adelaide University becomes aware that the applicant no longer meets compliance requirements.
  • If the offer was made or becomes contrary to any Commonwealth or State law.

6.    How to seek reinstatement

Graduate research students whose enrolment has been withdrawn may apply to the relevant [manager] for reinstatement to the program subject to specified conditions.

7.    Transitioning to Adelaide University

Current and former graduate research students of foundation universities and Adelaide University who wish to apply for admission to a new or alternative graduate research program will be subject to the requirements of the policy and procedures current at the time of the new application.

8.    How to appeal a decision

Applicants may only appeal an admission decision on administrative grounds and, appeals will be managed in accordance with the Student Complaints Policy.

Definitions used in our procedure

Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances for holders of international student visas are those beyond the control of the student and have an impact on the student’s academic progress or wellbeing. Examples include:

  • Serious illness or injury supported by a medical certificate.
  • Bereavement of close family members such as a parent or grandparent. A death certificate should be provided, where possible.
  • Major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel, which has impacted on the student’s studies.
  • Adelaide University is unable to offer a prerequisite course.
  • Inability to begin studying on the program’s commencement date due to a delay in receiving a student visa.
  • A traumatic experience, supported by police or a psychologist statement, such as involvement in, or witnessing a serious accident, or witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime.

Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is an official document issued by Adelaide University to international students to confirm enrolment status as required by the Australian Government for student visa holders.

Graduate Research Program means a program at doctoral or master level which comprises two-thirds or more of its assessable content by research.

Foundation universities means the University of South Australia and The University of Adelaide.

Prospective Graduate Research Student is a person who has contacted Adelaide University, or an agent representing Adelaide University, with the intent of becoming a graduate research student.

UFIT Guidelines stands for ‘University Foreign Interference Taskforce Guidelines to counter foreign interference in the Australian university sector’ (

Please refer to our Adelaide University glossary for a full list of our definitions.


How our procedure is governed

This procedure is categorised, approved and owned in line with the governance structure of Adelaide University and the offices and officers listed below.

Parent policy

Graduate Research Policy

Policy category


Approving authority

co-Vice Chancellors/Vice Chancellor and President]

Policy owner

Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation

Responsible officer

Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation or their Delegate

Effective from

26 November 2024

Review date

26 November 2029


Interim Central Policy Unit

Replaced documents



Legislation and other documents related to this procedure

Adelaide University Act 2023
Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021
1.1 Admission, 4.2 Research Training
Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS)
National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018
Standard 2 Recruitment of an overseas student,
Standard 3 Formalisation of enrolment and written agreements
Standard 9 Deferring, suspending or cancelling the overseas student’s enrolment


History of changes

Date approved

To section/clauses

Description of change

26 November 2024


New procedure


Note on structures, positions and position titles:  

At the time of writing, the organisational structure, position titles and committees for Adelaide University have not been confirmed. Accordingly, square brackets [ ] temporarily enclose titles in this procedure until titles for Adelaide University are confirmed.