Fees and Loans Procedure

1. Purpose

1.1. This procedure describes the processes under which Adelaide University determines and administers fees, loans and charges to students.

1.2. This procedure should be read in conjunction with the Fees and Loans Policy. 

2. Scope 

2.1. This procedure applies to all Adelaide University students.

3. Procedure

Student Responsibilities

3.1. Students are responsible for ensuring that:

3.1.1. Their enrolment record is correct by the Census Date for each study period in which they enrol.

3.1.2. Correspondence relating to student fees and due dates for payment is read and acted upon in accordance with the relevant timelines.

3.1.3. Tuition fees, and all other charges accrued, are paid by the due date.

3.1.4. A domestic student who defers the Student Contribution Amount under a HECS-HELP loan or defers their tuition fees for a full fee-paying place under a FEE-HELP loan is taken to have paid their student contribution fee.

3.1.5. They advise Adelaide University of any changes to their eligibility to access HELP loans.

3.1.6. They pay their fees in accordance with Adelaide University-approved payment methods.

3.1.7. Their personal contact details are accurate.

3.1.8. Third parties who have agreed to pay fees on behalf of the student are informed of the due date for payment for each study period in which the student is enrolled.

Adelaide University Responsibilities

3.2. Adelaide University will determine the eligibility of students for Commonwealth support or assistance in accordance with requirements determined under the Higher Education Support Act 2003.

3.3. Adelaide University will invoice student fees in accordance with the student’s enrolment and liability status as recorded in the student record system, and according to the tuition fee as published on the Adelaide University website.

3.4. Adelaide University will issue a Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) for each study period. A CAN is issued to all students.

3.5. Adelaide University will issue an Enrolment Confirmation Notice (ECN) and liability notice for each study period. An ECN is issued to:

3.5.1. Domestic fee-paying students who do not receive any form of Commonwealth assistance.

3.5.2. Graduate researchers holding Research Training Program (RTP) places.

3.5.3. International students.

3.5.4. Incoming exchange and study abroad students.

Commonwealth Supported Students

3.6. Commonwealth Supported Students who do not complete a Request for Commonwealth Support and HECS-HELP form and who do not make full payment of their student contribution amount and provide Adelaide University with their Tax File Number before the census date for their first study period, will have their enrolment cancelled.

3.7. Payments for student contribution amounts received after the census date will not be accepted for the current study period. These payments will be placed in excess on the student account and applied to the next study period.

Domestic Fee-paying Students

3.8. Undergraduate domestic tuition fees will be calculated by adding the relevant student contribution amount plus the relevant Commonwealth contribution provided through the Commonwealth Grant Scheme.

3.9. Adelaide University does not provide fee-paying domestic undergraduate places unless a student has exhausted their Student Learning Entitlement. Such students will be required to pay tuition fees and may be eligible for FEE-HELP.

3.10. Postgraduate domestic coursework tuition fees will, as a minimum, be calculated to reflect costs for delivering the program, that is, the student contribution amount plus the Commonwealth contribution provided through the Commonwealth Grant Scheme.

3.11. Fee-paying domestic postgraduate student tuition fees are set at the program level for 24 or 48 units each year, and each course within a program is charged at the course unit value (for example, 2, 6, or 12 units).

3.12. Fees are subject to annual change and students will be advised in their letter of offer.

International Fee-paying Students

3.13. International student tuition fees will, as a minimum, be calculated to recover the costs associated with providing all courses undertaken by an international student.

3.14. International student tuition fees are set at the program level for 24 or 48 units each year, and each course within a program is charged at the course unit value (for example, 2, 6, or 12 units).

3.15. International student tuition fees are subject to annual fee changes. If the student is admitted to another program, they are liable for fee increases associated with admission to the new program.

3.16. Commencing international students are required to pay 50% of the first year’s tuition fees before enrolling. Payment instructions will be included in the letter of offer.

3.17. Continuing international students, including those commencing a second or subsequent program, will be charged tuition fees for each study period, based on their enrolment load (total unit value).

3.18. Late payment of international student tuition fees may incur a charge as determined by Adelaide University.

Offshore students

3.19. The offshore student tuition fee must be no less than the relevant minimum indicative fee specified in the Commonwealth Grant Scheme Guidelines 2020.

3.20. Offshore student tuition fees will be charged to the student by the offshore partner in accordance with the agreement between the offshore partner and Adelaide University.

Study Abroad students

3.21. Incoming study abroad students will incur a fixed tuition fee for each six-month period, independent of study load. Tuition fees are set annually.

3.22. Incoming study abroad students are required to pay fees for their initial six-month period in full, before enrolment. Payment instructions will be included in the letter of offer.

3.23. Outgoing study abroad students are only liable for the fees charged by the host provider.

Exchange students

3.24. Incoming exchange students who enrol in a Commonwealth supported program governed by a formal exchange agreement with their home provider pay for the tuition fees charged by their home provider. They are not required to pay tuition fees for study undertaken at Adelaide University.

3.25. Outgoing exchange students from Adelaide University who are enrolled in a Commonwealth supported program governed by a formal exchange agreement with the host provider pay their tuition fees to Adelaide University and are eligible for HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP.

Cross-institutional students

3.26. The student contribution amount or tuition fees for cross institutional study are set by the host provider.

Non-award students

3.27. Domestic and international non-award students will pay a tuition fee according to the unit value of the course and whether the course is undergraduate or postgraduate level.

3.28. Where the program includes courses in which Commonwealth supported students are enrolled, the tuition fee per unit must be at least equivalent to the student contribution amount for that course.

3.29. The fees are set at the commencement of each academic year, recorded on the student record system, and published on the Adelaide University website.

Short program students

3.30. Students undertaking short programs will pay tuition fees.

3.31. Fees will be published on the Adelaide University website.

Research students

3.32. Graduate researchers who enrol beyond their RTP allocation will be required to pay a tuition fee calculated on enrolment load, as approved through the program approval process and published on the Adelaide University website.

Student Services and Amenities Fee

3.33. Adelaide University will determine and apply the Student Services and Amenities Fee annually in line with the Higher Education Support (Administration) Guidelines 2022. Student services and amenities fee amounts will be published on the Adelaide University website.

3.34. Payments for the student services and amenities fee made after the census date will not be accepted if the student has chosen to defer payment under the SA-HELP scheme.

3.35. Students may incur a student services and amenities fee. The means of determining and charging the fee may vary for international and domestic students and mode of study.

Higher Education Loan Programs (HELP)

3.36. If the student seeks to defer payment of their student contribution amount, tuition fees or student services and amenities fees, they must complete the required form (including provision of their tax file number) prior to the census date of the study period. The request remains valid for all courses undertaken as part of that program, but the form must be re-submitted if a student changes programs.

3.37. The eligibility criteria and specific conditions that apply to HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, SA-HELP and OS-HELP are listed in the Higher Education Support Act 2003 and published on the Adelaide University website.

Internal payment of student fees

3.38. Adelaide University may nominate to pay all or part of an enrolled student’s fees, consistent with provisions for exemptions and fee-waivers in the Higher Education Support Act 2003 and the Higher Education Support (Administration) Guidelines 2022.

3.39. Exemptions may apply in the following circumstances:

3.39.1. Courses consisting solely of unsupported work experience in industry.

3.39.2. Where Adelaide University grants a student a scholarship for their entire program.

3.39.3. Where a higher degree by research student is in receipt of RTP funds.

3.40. Fee waivers may apply in the following circumstances:

3.40.1. Personal, family, or financial hardship prevents the student from continuing in their course of study.

3.40.2. Compassionate or humanitarian circumstances.

3.40.3. Loss of fees sponsor for reasons unrelated to the student.

3.40.4. Courses completed by staff members for professional development.

3.40.5. Employer or external body funded scholarship.

3.40.6. An exceptional circumstance as determined by Dean of Programs/Dean of Research.

3.41. Arrangements for internal payments must be made using the appropriate form and is subject to the approval authorities specified on the form.

Other fees and charges

3.42. The Higher Education Support Act 2003 and the Higher Education Provider Guidelines 2023 outline the provisions where higher education providers charge ‘incidental’ fees other than tuition fees or student contributions.

Bad financial standing

3.43. A student will incur bad financial standing on their student record if full payment of a tuition fee, student services and amenities fee, or other charge is not received within 15 business days after the due date on their invoice or by the relevant census date, whichever occurs later.

3.44. Until all outstanding fees and charges owed to Adelaide University have been paid, a bad financial standing indicator on a student record will result in the following consequences:

3.44.1. The student’s results will be withheld.

3.44.2. The student will not be permitted to re-enrol.

3.44.3. The student may not obtain an academic transcript.

3.44.4. The student will not graduate with an Adelaide University award.

3.44.5. The student’s enrolment in future study periods will be cancelled.

3.45. For international students on a student visa, in addition to the consequences outlined above, a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) will not be issued for future study periods.

Change of residency status

3.46. International students who are granted permanent residency in Australia are eligible to apply for a Commonwealth supported or a domestic tuition fee-paying place as appropriate and subject to availability. However, they are not eligible for Commonwealth assistance in the form of a HELP loan or a Commonwealth Learning Scholarship.  The following administrative rules apply to changed residency status:

3.46.1. The effective date of permanent residency is the date on which residency is granted and not the date of application.

3.46.2. If permanent residency is granted before a study period census date, the student’s status will be changed in the student system, and the student will be charged the appropriate student contribution or tuition fee.

3.46.3. If the international student tuition fee has been paid and there is a difference between this fee and the full up-front tuition fee, then a refund will be processed.

3.46.4. If permanent residency is granted after a study period census date, then the student will continue to pay the international fee for the courses in which they have enrolled for that study period.

3.47. Graduate researchers who obtain permanent residency during their enrolment at Adelaide University will be assisted individually to comply with RTP and scholarship conditions.

4. Definitions 

4.1. Census Date is the date within each study period (or research period for research degree programs) by which a student's enrolment must be finalised for a course, and applicable fees and charges are incurred. It is the last day that a student can withdraw from a course and have it deleted from their academic record.

It is also the deadline for various financial requirements, including submission of request for Commonwealth support and HECS-HELP form; submission of request for FEE-HELP Assistance; payment of any up-front payment of student contribution; obtaining a HECS-HELP loan; or supplying a Tax File Number.

4.2. Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) is a notice containing important information about a student's enrolment, student contribution, tuition fee or student services and amenities fee amount charged, HELP debt incurred, and any payments made towards these charges.

4.3. Commonwealth Grant Scheme is a scheme under which the Commonwealth provides funding to higher education providers for Commonwealth supported places.

4.4. Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) is a higher education place for which the Commonwealth makes a financial contribution under the Higher Education Support Act 2003. Domestic undergraduate places at Adelaide University are generally Commonwealth supported. Postgraduate coursework places can be offered on a full fee-paying basis or as Commonwealth supported places.

4.5. A Commonwealth Supported Student is a student who is eligible for, and is enrolled into, a Commonwealth supported place. Commonwealth supported students pay a student contribution amount towards the cost of their program, and a student services and amenities fee.

4.6. Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is an official document issued by Adelaide University to international students to confirm enrolment status as required by the Australian Government for student visa holders.

4.7. Enrolment Confirmation Notice (ECN) is a notice provided to a student and includes the name and code of the course(s) in which the student is enrolled, enrolment load, the census date, the student liability status, and the total outstanding debt.

4.8. HELP (Higher Education Loans Program) is an Australian Government loan program to help eligible students pay their student contributions (HECS-HELP), tuition fees (FEE-HELP), overseas study expenses (OS-HELP) and their student services and amenities fee (SA-HELP). These loans are repaid through the Australian Taxation System.

4.9. RTP (Research Training Program) provides Commonwealth-funding for graduate researchers to cover the cost of their tuition fees for the duration of their program, up to a maximum period of four years' full-time equivalent study for a doctorate by research and two years' full-time equivalent study for a masters by research. Graduate researchers who exceed the funded time may be liable to pay tuition fees to Adelaide University.

4.10. Student Contribution Amount is the amount charged to Commonwealth supported students as a contribution towards the cost of their education. Adelaide University, in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA), determines and publishes student contribution amounts on an annual basis.

4.11. The Student Learning Entitlement is an Australian Government rule that provides to Commonwealth supported students seven years of full-time subsidised study in Commonwealth supported places. The student learning entitlement applies to studies completed from January 1st, 2022 onwards.

4.12. The Student Services and Amenities Fee is charged to students annually for student services and non-academic amenities, such as sporting and recreational activities, employment and career advice, childcare, financial advice and food services in accordance with Higher Education Support Act 2003.


Document authorities and history


Policy category


Approving authority

Co-Vice Chancellors via Transition Council delegation upon recommendation from Transitional Academic Board

Responsible Officer 

Co-Vice Chancellors or their delegate

Policy effective from

22 March 2024

Policy review date

22 March 2029


Contact us

Document history

This is a new Adelaide University policy 

HESF Domain

Domain 1. Student Participation and Attainment

Related documents


Parent policy

Fees and Loans Policy

Associated proceduresStudent Refund Procedure

Referenced documents


Referenced legislation

Commonwealth Grant Scheme Guidelines 2020

Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021

Higher Education Provider Guidelines 2023

Higher Education Support Act 2003

Higher Education Support (Administration) Guidelines 2022