Enrolment Procedure

1. Purpose

1.1. This procedure outlines requirements for domestic and international students enrolling in coursework at Adelaide University.

1.2. This procedure is to be read in conjunction with the Enrolment Policy.

2. Scope 

2.1. This procedure applies to: 

2.1.1. Students enrolling in courses at Adelaide University.

2.1.2. Adelaide University students enrolling in courses at other providers.

3. Procedure

3.1. Students admitted to coursework programs at Adelaide University must enrol in courses necessary to meet their program requirements, and for international student visa holders, to meet visa requirements.

3.2. Information about enrolment processes and requirements will be published on the Adelaide University website and emailed to commencing students. 

3.3. Key enrolment dates will be published on the Adelaide University website.  Students are responsible for making themselves aware of these dates, and their financial and academic consequences. 

3.4. Where a course specifies assumed knowledge, a student without the assumed knowledge will not be prevented from enrolling in the course and will be responsible for accessing additional learning support and committing extra study time as required. 

3.5. For courses requiring special permission or specific enrolment conditions, such as audition or permission to participate in field work, information on how to apply to enrol will be published on individual course webpages. 

3.6. Any study undertaken outside of Adelaide University, including cross-institutional study, exchange, and study abroad will appear as credit transfer on Adelaide University transcripts, and will not contribute to the calculation of a Grade Point Average (GPA).

Outgoing cross-institutional enrolment

3.7. When another provider offers content not available at Adelaide University, domestic and international students may apply for cross-institutional study.

3.8. Cross-institutional study applications must be submitted at least 15 business days before the published course commencement date. 

3.9. Adelaide University will assess applications for cross-institutional study, including considering how it contributes to the student meeting their program outcomes.

3.10. Adelaide University will advise the student of the application outcome via their student email account within 10 business days of receipt.

3.11. Unless there are compelling circumstances cross-institutional enrolment will not be approved for core courses.

3.12. If an application for cross-institutional enrolment is approved, the student must apply to the host provider for approval to enrol according to their processes, including paying fees.

3.13. As soon as practical after completing cross-institutional study, the student must provide Adelaide University with an official academic transcript or certified results notice showing the grade awarded, to ensure the units can be credited to their Adelaide University program.  Students in their final study period must supply results before their degree can be conferred.  

3.14. International student visa holders can only undertake cross-institutional study at a provider listed in the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) and the course must be within a CRICOS registered program.  International student visa holders must ensure that relevant visa requirements are met before enrolling cross-institutionally at another provider.

3.15. Adelaide University will maintain the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) for international student visa holders who enrol cross-institutionally at another provider, providing they are compliant with their student visa conditions.

Incoming cross-institutional enrolment

3.16. A student enrolled in a program at another provider who wishes to enrol cross-institutionally in an Adelaide University course must lodge the required form at least 15 business days before the published course commencement date.

3.17. International student visa holders must ensure that visa requirements are met before attempting to enrol cross-institutionally at Adelaide University.

3.18. A cross-institutional enrolment application for a course will be assessed and the student notified of the outcome by email within 10 business days of application submission. 

3.19. Where an application is approved, the student is responsible for enrolling in the approved course(s) and paying fees.  Domestic students are responsible for completing applicable Commonwealth Assistance or HELP forms.

3.20. A student's status at their home provider as either Commonwealth supported or fee-paying will determine their status at Adelaide University.  A domestic undergraduate student who is not in a Commonwealth supported place at their home provider must enrol as a non-award student, rather than cross-institutionally. 

Exchange enrolment 

3.21. Exchange opportunity details, including partner universities, how to apply, academic requirements, and available financial support will be published on the Adelaide University website. 

3.22. Applications for both incoming and outgoing exchange must be submitted no less than 6 months before published course commencement dates.

3.23. International students will not be permitted to undertake an exchange program in their home country.

3.24. Adelaide University students undertaking an exchange program overseas will:

3.24.1. Continue to pay Tuition Fees at Adelaide University. Commonwealth Supported students will maintain their Commonwealth Supported status.  Students do not pay tuition fees at the provider they are visiting.

3.24.2. Once completed, provide Adelaide University with an official academic transcript or certified results notice showing completion of their courses.

3.25. Exchange students visiting Adelaide University from overseas will:

3.25.1. Not pay tuition fees to Adelaide University but are liable for the Student Services and Amenities Fee.

3.25.2. Enrol in either 24 units per half year or 48 units per full academic year.

3.25.3. Obtain registration when undertaking a course that requires registration. 

3.25.4. Provide evidence of English language proficiency as required.

Study Abroad enrolment

3.26. Study abroad opportunity details, including how to apply, academic requirements, and available financial support will be published on the Adelaide University website.

3.27. Adelaide University students undertaking a study abroad program will:

3.27.1. Incur fees at the provider they visit and do not incur Adelaide University fees for study undertaken overseas.

3.27.2. Provide Adelaide University with an official academic transcript or certified results notice showing completion of their courses.

3.28. Students from overseas providers enrolling in study abroad at Adelaide University will:

3.28.1. Pay Adelaide University international tuition fees and the Student Services and Amenities Fee.

3.28.2. Enrol in either 18 or 24 units per half year, or 30 or 48 units per full academic year.

3.28.3. Provide evidence of English language proficiency as required.

Non-award enrolment

3.29. Any individual who is not a student visa holder can apply for enrolment as a non-award student in one or more courses at Adelaide University to a total of 12 units per study period.

3.30. A student who is precluded from a program is not permitted to enrol as a non-award student in a course that forms part of that program.

3.31. Applications for non-award study are to be submitted no fewer than 15 business days before the published course commencement date.

3.32. A non-award enrolment application will be assessed, and the student notified of the outcome by email within 10 business days of application submission. 

3.33. Non-award students will:

3.33.1. Incur tuition fees and student services and amenities fees but are not eligible for Commonwealth support.

3.33.2. Complete all assessment items, including examinations, be awarded a grade on completion, and be eligible for an academic transcript.

3.33.3. Be provided an Adelaide University email account and access to Adelaide University information technology resources and library facilities for the duration of the relevant study period.

Leave of absence for Domestic Students and International Students not holding a Student Visa

3.34. Students who have received a passing grade in at least one course and have no restrictions on their enrolment may take a leave of absence during the ensuing academic year.

3.35. Students can apply for a 6-month or 12-month leave of absence any time during the year for which the leave is being requested.

3.36. Leave of absence applications will be assessed by the Program Coordinator or nominee.

3.37. Students will be notified of their application outcome via their Adelaide University email account within 20 business days.

3.38. Students may apply for subsequent leave of absence periods with approval at the discretion of the Program Coordinator. 

3.39. Students on leave of absence will not have access to Adelaide University information technology or library services but will retain their student email account. Adelaide University policies governing that access will continue to apply.

3.40. A student’s leave of absence time will contribute towards the maximum completion duration of their program. 

Leave of Absence for International Students on a Student Visa

3.41. Students who are able to provide demonstrable evidence of Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances, as defined in the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018, can apply for up to 6-months leave of absence.  Issues such as homesickness or difficulty in adjusting to living in Australia do not constitute compassionate or compelling circumstances.

3.42. Students seeking a leave of absence must complete a Leave of Absence form submitted before the last day to enrol in the study period for the leave of absence.  Confirmation of application will be sent to the student’s Adelaide University email account. 

3.43. Leave of absence applications will be assessed by the appropriate staff member, and students will be notified of their application outcome via their Adelaide University email account within 10 business days.

3.44. A leave of absence may result in the cancellation of a student’s CoE which may affect their student visa.

3.45. International students who are enrolled in a program that requires registration with a registration body must maintain their registration while on leave of absence.

3.46. Students on leave of absence will not have access to Adelaide University information technology or library services but will retain their Adelaide University email account. Adelaide University policies governing that access will continue to apply.

3.47. A student’s leave of absence time will contribute towards the maximum completion duration of their program. 

Withdrawal from programs and courses

3.48. Domestic and international students are responsible for withdrawing from courses though the student system.

3.49. Adelaide University will publish current key dates for course withdrawals, including fee and grade implications.

3.50. Domestic students and international students not on a student visa are deemed to have withdrawn from their program if they are neither enrolled nor on a leave of absence for a full academic year.  A student deemed to have withdrawn from their program who wishes to return to it can:

3.50.1. Request re-admission. At the Program Coordinator’s discretion, the student may be re-admitted, refused or retrospectively granted leave, provided the student is not prohibited from enrolment under another Adelaide University policy or procedure. 

3.50.2. Re-apply to be admitted into the program. 

3.51. An international student visa holder is deemed to have withdrawn from their program if they are neither enrolled nor on an approved leave of absence in a compulsory study period.  Where students have deemed to have withdrawn their CoE will be cancelled which may affect their student visa. 

3.52. An international student visa holder deemed to have withdrawn from their program who wishes to return can re-apply to be admitted into the program for the next available intake.

Cancellation of enrolment in programs requiring professional registration

3.53. Adelaide University will cancel enrolment for a student who is unable to, or ceases to, hold a required professional registration and will inform the student via their Adelaide University email account of the intention to cancel the enrolment, the reason for the cancellation, and the student’s right of appeal. 

Requirements for international students on a student visa

3.54. As per the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000: National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018, international students in Australia on a student visa must:

3.54.1. Enrol in accordance with the program schedule or individualised study plan allowing them to complete their program within the expected duration specified on their CoE. Adelaide University will cancel the CoE of an international student visa holder who does not meet this requirement, which may affect their student visa.

3.54.2. Enrol in at least one face-to-face course in each study period, unless the student is completing the final course in their program and the course is only available in online mode. Adelaide University will cancel the CoE of an international student visa holder who does not meet this requirement, which may affect their student visa. 

3.54.3. Enrol in no more than one third of their total enrolment load online. Adelaide University will cancel the CoE of an international student visa holder if they exceed this limit, which may affect the student's visa. 

3.54.4. Advise Adelaide University of their current residential address and contact details within 7 calendar days of arriving in Australia and within 7 calendar days of changing address. Adelaide University may cancel the CoE of an international student visa holder who does not meet this requirement, which may affect their student visa.

3.55. An international student can apply to Adelaide University to extend the expected duration of their program only on the grounds of:

3.55.1. An approved reduced study load, or

3.55.2. Demonstrable evidence of compassionate or compelling circumstances as defined in the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018, or

3.55.3. An outcome of academic review, or

3.55.4. Having failed a course or courses that must be retaken to complete their program, or

3.55.5. An approved leave of absence. 

3.56. If a program duration extension is approved Adelaide University will issue the student a new CoE and notify the Australian Government of the variation.

3.57. Adelaide University will cancel the CoE of an international student who is not enrolled and does not have an approved leave of absence for any compulsory teaching period.

3.58. Adelaide University may cancel a student’s CoE or refuse to issue a new CoE if the student is refused a student visa, their visa is cancelled, or they have overstayed their previous visa duration.

Withdrawal by Adelaide University

3.59. Adelaide University may administratively withdraw a student from a program or course for any of the following reasons:

3.59.1. As the result of the outcome of an academic progress review process.

3.59.2. A serious breach of a relevant Adelaide University policy or procedure. 

3.59.3. Course cancellation due to low enrolment or insufficient resourcing.

3.59.4. To protect a student from financial or academic consequences when the student is prevented from withdrawing on or before a key enrolment date due to a serious medical condition, death or other circumstance as deemed by Adelaide University.

3.59.5. The student has exceeded the maximum enrolment load without obtaining approval.

3.59.6. The student is a student visa holder and has exceeded online enrolment limits, either in a given study period or overall, as per the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000: National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.

3.59.7. The student has failed to comply with enrolment requirements, and/or meet eligibility requirements for a Commonwealth supported place as specified in the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth).

3.60. If an international student visa holder withdraws from, or Adelaide University administratively withdraws an international student from, all courses in which the student is enrolled, Adelaide University will notify the Australian Government of the withdrawal, as required by law.  Adelaide University will cancel the CoE which may affect their student visa.

Exceeding a standard full-time load

3.61. A coursework student who has completed at least 18 units of study with a GPA of 5 or more and wishes to exceed a full-time load must obtain approval from their Program Coordinator to enrol in more than 30 units in a single study period, or more than 12 units in a single summer or winter teaching period.

3.62. A student seeking to exceed a standard full-time load must submit a request to Adelaide University via the student system outlining their reasons for the request and how they plan to manage their workload at least 10 business days before the start of relevant study period. 

3.63. Adelaide University will inform a student of the outcome of their application via email account no more than 10 business days after the application was submitted. 


3.64. Students who believe they have received an incorrect enrolment outcome because Adelaide University has not correctly carried out prescribed processes may follow the processes outlined in the Student Complaints Policy and associated procedures.

4. Definitions 

4.1. A Commonwealth Supported Student is a student who is eligible for, and is enrolled into, a Commonwealth supported place. Commonwealth supported students pay a student contribution amount towards the cost of their program, and a student services and amenities fee.

4.2. Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances for holders of international student visas are those beyond the control of the student and have an impact on the student’s academic progress or wellbeing. Examples include:

a. Serious illness or injury supported by a medical certificate.

b. Bereavement of close family members such as a parent or grandparent. A death certificate should be provided, where possible.

c. Major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel, which has impacted on the student’s studies.

d. Adelaide University is unable to offer a prerequisite course.

e. Inability to begin studying on the program’s commencement date due to a delay in receiving a student visa.

f. A traumatic experience, supported by police or a psychologist statement, such as involvement in, or witnessing a serious accident, or witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime.

4.3. Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is an official document issued by Adelaide University to international students to confirm enrolment status as required by the Australian Government for student visa holders.

4.4. Cross Institutional study is where a student undertaking a program at an institution is permitted to enrol in individual courses at another institution and count these towards their program.

4.5. Exchange is study undertaken under a formal agreement between Adelaide University and an overseas provider.

4.6. HELP (Higher Education Loans Program) is an Australian Government loan program to help eligible students pay their student contributions (HECS-HELP), tuition fees (FEE-HELP), overseas study expenses (OS-HELP) and their student services and amenities fee (SA-HELP). These loans are repaid through the Australian Taxation System.

4.7. Leave of Absence is a time period during which Adelaide University permits a student to remain unenrolled from courses but retain their place in a program.

4.8. Non-Award Enrolment is enrolment in courses that do not count toward a program. Non-award students incur tuition fees and are not eligible for Commonwealth support. 

4.9. The Student Services and Amenities Fee is charged to students for student services and non-academic amenities, such as sporting and recreational activities, employment and career advice, childcare, financial advice and food services in accordance with Higher Education Support Act 2003.

4.10. A Study Abroad Program is a means by which an overseas student can study at Adelaide University while the student’s home provider either does not have an exchange agreement with Adelaide University or has an agreement, but all Adelaide University places provided under the agreement are already allocated.  

4.11. Tuition Fee is charged for a course or program of study offered by Adelaide University. Tuition fee includes non-award fees, international student fees, offshore student fees, cross-institutional fees for students who are not Commonwealth supported, fees for domestic research degree students who exceed their funded time, fees for domestic students in fee-paying places, but does not include the student contribution amount or other fees related to incidental costs.


Document authorities and history


Procedure category


Approving authority

Co-Vice Chancellors via Transition Council delegation upon recommendation from Transitional Academic Board

Responsible Officer 

Co-Vice Chancellors or their delegate

Procedure effective from

31 May 2024

Procedure review date

31 May 2029


Contact us

Document history

This is a new Adelaide University procedure

HESF Domain

Domain 1. Student Participation and Attainment  


Related documents


Parent policy

Enrolment Policy

Associated procedures


Referenced documents

Student Complaints Policy

Referenced legislation

Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA)

Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000

National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018