Genuine Student Procedure

1. Purpose

1.1. This procedure outlines the process for assessing whether an international Prospective Student has a genuine intention to study in Australia, and that this is the primary reason for their Australian Student Visa.

1.2. This procedure is to be read in conjunction with the Admissions Policy.

2. Scope

2.1. This procedure applies to all international prospective students intending to apply for an Australian Student Visa to study a coursework program at Adelaide University.

3. Procedure

3.1. To be eligible for admission to a program, a prospective student must satisfy Adelaide University that they are a Genuine Student in addition to meeting academic and English language requirements.

3.2. A prospective student may be required to undertake a genuine student assessment at any time including after receiving an offer of admission.

3.3. To assess whether a prospective student is a genuine student, Adelaide University will require them to answer questions in the application form and may require them to:

3.3.1. Provide additional supporting documentation, which must be Certified Copies, in English.

3.3.2 Attend an interview.

3.3.3 Provide any other information Adelaide University may require.

3.4. Adelaide University may refuse admission and/or withdraw an offer of admission and cancel a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) at any time if:

3.4.1 The prospective student does not complete the assessment process within the required timeframe.

3.4.2 It would place Adelaide University in breach of Commonwealth or State laws, for example, those in relation to autonomous sanctions, foreign relations or foreign engagement.

3.4.3 It believes the prospective student, or their representative, has provided fraudulent or incorrect information.

3.4.4 It determines the prospective student is not a genuine student.

3.5. Adelaide University’s assessment remains valid for 24 months during which an applicant meeting one or more of the conditions listed in 3.4.1 to 3.4.4 will be refused admission to all programs. 

3.6. A student seeking re-entry into their program for any reason (including after a period of absence) or entry to an alternative program may be required to complete a new genuine student assessment.

3.7. Adelaide University is not obliged to disclose or provide a copy of the assessment or results to a prospective student, their representative or any third party unless required to do so by law but reserves the right to disclose results to its pathway providers.

4. Definitions

4.1. Certified Copies are copies of original documents that have been verified by an authorised person (as listed on the Attorney-General Departments webpage) as being a true copy of an original document.

4.2. Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is an official document issued by Adelaide University to international students to confirm enrolment status as required by the Australian Government for student visa holders.

4.3. A Genuine Student is a person who has a genuine intention to study in Australia.

4.4. A Prospective Student is a person who has contacted Adelaide University, or an agent representing Adelaide University, with the intent of becoming a student.


Document authorities and history

Procedure categoryAcademic
Approving authorityCo-Vice Chancellors via Transition Council delegation upon recommendation from Transitional Academic Board
Responsible Officer Co-Vice Chancellors or their delegate
Procedure effective from31 May 2024 
Procedure review date31 May 2029
EnquiriesContact us
Document historyThis is a new Adelaide University procedure 
HESF DomainDomain 1. Student Participation and Attainment


Related documents

Parent policyAdmissions Policy
Associated proceduresN/A
Referenced documentsDirection No. 106 - Assessing the genuine entry and stay requirements for Student visa and student Guardian visa applications
Referenced legislationMigration Act 1958