Admissions Policy

Admissions Policy

1. Purpose    

1.1. This policy outlines the principles for the Selection of Students for admission to Adelaide University’s programs. 

2. Scope 

2.1. This policy applies to all domestic and international applicants for admission to Adelaide University’s Enabling Programs, undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs, and research programs.

3. Policy principles

3.1. Adelaide University will ensure admission requirements are compliant and consistent with Commonwealth and state legislation, relevant policy, and reporting requirements. 

3.2. Adelaide University will define the admission requirements for programs. These will consider the pathway from undergraduate to postgraduate to research programs. 

3.3. In line with Adelaide University's commitment to equal access to higher education for all, admission requirements will:

3.3.1. Support a diverse and inclusive student population.

3.3.2. Minimise barriers for Prospective Students.

3.3.3. Recognise and address the under-represented and disadvantaged.

3.4. Rules for selection for admission into a program will be demonstrably fair, equitable, transparent, and publicly available. All offers of admission are made with integrity and impartiality by Adelaide University staff with relevant knowledge, skills, and training.

3.5. Adelaide University will select applicants based on the principle of merit. This may take the form of academic achievement, Aboriginal Knowledges or other types of capability, skill, knowledge, and experience.

3.6. Adelaide University will admit students who are equipped and willing to succeed, and meet prescribed admission requirements, including English language proficiency requirements.

3.7. Adelaide University reserves the right to refuse or revoke admission for any person who presents a danger to students or staff.  

4. Definitions

4.1.  An Enabling Program develops student skills and knowledge necessary for successful participation in university study.

4.2. A Prospective Student is a person who has contacted Adelaide University, or an agent representing Adelaide University, with the intent of becoming a student.

4.3. Selection is based on discrete sets of requirements, including academic qualifications, skills, knowledge, and other requirements, prescribed by Adelaide University to determine eligibility for admission into a specific program.   

4.4. A Student is a person enrolled in an enabling program, award or non-award coursework study, a research program, or a short course or microcredential at Adelaide University


Document authorities and history

Policy category


Approving authority

Co-Vice Chancellors via Transition Council delegation upon recommendation from Transitional Academic Board

Responsible Policy Officer 

Co-Vice Chancellors or their delegate

Policy effective from

22 March 2024

Policy review date

22 March 2029


Contact us

Document history

This is a new Adelaide University policy

HES Framework Domain

Domain 1. Student Participation and Attainment

Related documents


Associated procedures

English Language Standards Procedure

Genuine Student Procedure

Under 18 Student Support Procedure

Admission for Coursework Programs Procedure

Deferrals Procedure

Student and Program Transfers Procedure

Referenced documents

Student Complaints Policy

Referenced legislation

Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000

Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021

Higher Education Administrative Information for Providers

Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA)