Academic Integrity Policy

Academic Integrity Policy

1. Purpose

1.1. This policy states the principles that promote and uphold Academic Integrity in all forms of learning undertaken at Adelaide University.

2. Scope 

2.1. This policy applies to all members of the Adelaide University Community

2.2. Complaints of potential breaches of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018 for students enrolled in research degrees, or in research equivalent courses of honours and postgraduate degrees, are managed under the relevant research policy and associated procedures.

3. Policy principles

3.1. Adelaide University expects all members of the Adelaide University community to conduct themselves in a manner which is fair, honest, trustworthy, and consistent with the values and principles of academic integrity.

3.2. Academic integrity is a shared responsibility of all members of the Adelaide University community.

3.3. Adelaide University will uphold high standards of academic integrity by providing staff and students with educational resources, support and guidance that develop academic integrity knowledge and skills.

3.4. Adelaide University will respond to and manage alleged Academic Misconduct in a fair and transparent manner, free from bias and discrimination. 

3.5. No person will suffer discrimination or victimisation by raising an allegation of academic misconduct in good faith.

3.6. Adelaide University will monitor and report on breaches of academic integrity for quality assurance and to ensure processes are continuously improved.

4. Definitions 

4.1. Academic Integrity means a commitment to act with honesty, trustworthiness, fairness, respect, and responsibility in all academic work.

4.2. Adelaide University Community refers to a broad range of stakeholders who engage with Adelaide University and includes (but is not limited to) all students, staff, and non-staff members of Adelaide University including alumni, honorary title holders, adjuncts, visiting academics, guest lecturers, volunteers, suppliers and partners who are engaging with and contributing to the work of Adelaide University.

4.3. Academic Misconduct is any action inconsistent with academic integrity, and may include, but is not limited to, the following:

4.3.1. Plagiarism: Directly copying of material from electronic or print resources without acknowledging the source. Closely paraphrasing sentences or whole passages without referencing the original work. Submitting another person’s work in whole or in part. Using another person’s ideas, work, or research data without acknowledgement. Appropriating or imitating another’s ideas. Submitting work for which the student has received or intends to receive credit in the same course or other courses (self-plagiarism).

4.3.2. Collusion, such as any unauthorised collaboration in preparation or presentation of work, including knowingly allowing personal work to be copied by others.

4.3.3. Contract cheating, which is the outsourcing of assessments to a third party, whether that is a commercial provider, or a non-commercial provider such as a current or former student, family member, or acquaintance.

4.3.4. A breach of examination rules that is determined to be a breach of academic integrity.

4.3.5. Presenting and/or submitting for assessment documents or data that are copied, falsified, or in any way improperly obtained.

4.3.6. Presenting and/or submitting academic work for assessment or review produced through generative artificial intelligence tools unless permitted under assessment guidelines.

4.3.7. File sharing such as exchange of assessment questions, answers or notes with other students, or uploading assessment questions to online file sharing sites or study sites.

4.3.8. Providing significant assistance to a student in the completion and/or presentation of their academic work.

4.3.9. Fabricating or falsifying information or student identity.

4.3.10. Offering or accepting bribes for potential academic gain.


Document authorities and history


Policy category


Approving authority

Co-Vice Chancellors via Transition Council delegation upon recommendation from Transitional Academic Board

Responsible Officer 

Co-Vice Chancellors or their delegate

Policy effective from

31 May 2024

Policy review date

31 May 2029


Contact us

Document history

This is a new Adelaide University policy

HESF Domain

Domain 5. Institutional Quality Assurance  


Related documents

Associated proceduresN/A

Referenced documents

Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018

Assessment Policy

Referenced legislation

Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021