University Glossary

Students on campus

Legislative & Academic Governance Glossary of Terms




100% Online

100% Online means all courses within a program are delivered fully online. Some learning activities will be scheduled at specific times to foster group engagement. A student based in another state or country (subject to visa conditions) will be able to complete the entire program online.

Academic integrity


Academic Integrity is the commitment to act with honesty, trustworthiness, fairness, respect, and responsibility in all academic work.

Adelaide University 

Adelaide University Community refers to a broad range of stakeholders who engage with Adelaide University and includes (but is not limited to) all students, staff, and non-staff members of Adelaide University including alumni, honorary title holders, adjuncts, visiting academics, guest lecturers, volunteers, suppliers and partners who are engaging with and contributing to the work of Adelaide University.

Academic Misconduct

Academic Misconduct is any action inconsistent with academic integrity, and may include, but is not limited to, the following:
  1. Plagiarism:
  •  Directly copying of material from electronic or print resources without acknowledging the source.
  • Closely paraphrasing sentences or whole passages without referencing the original work.
  • Submitting another person’s work in whole or in part.
  • Using another person’s ideas, work, or research data without acknowledgement.
  • Appropriating or imitating another’s ideas.
  • Submitting work for which the student has received or intends to receive credit in the same course or other courses (self-plagiarism).

2. Collusion, such as any unauthorised collaboration in preparation or presentation of work, including knowingly allowing personal work to be copied by others.

3. Contract cheating, which is the outsourcing of assessments to a third party, whether that is a commercial provider, or a non-commercial provider such as a current or former student, family member, or acquaintance.

4. A breach of examination rules that is determined to be a breach of academic integrity.

5. Presenting and/or submitting for assessment documents or data that are copied, falsified, or in any way improperly obtained.

6. Presenting and/or submitting academic work for assessment or review produced through generative artificial intelligence tools unless permitted under assessment guidelines.

7. File sharing such as exchange of assessment questions, answers or notes with other students, or uploading assessment questions to online file sharing sites or study sites.

8. Providing significant assistance to a student in the completion and/or presentation of their academic work.

9. Fabricating or falsifying information or student identity.

10. Offering or accepting bribes for potential academic gain.

Adelaide University-Related Activity

Adelaide University-Related Activity includes but is not limited to events and activities during or in connection with a student’s clinical, practicum, internship or work experience placements, or while a student is participating in Adelaide University-approved study at another institution. 


Assessment is a process where a student demonstrates their attainment of learning outcomes, through the completion of graded or non-graded activities. 

Block Credit

Block Credit is granted as recognition of successfully completed periods of equivalent study. Block study is expressed in units.


The approved Adelaide University Brand is detailed in the Brand Guidelines and covers all representations that identify Adelaide University, including its official title, the logo, trademarks, brand elements, business names and domain names.

Census Date

Census Date is the date within each study period (or research period for research degree programs) by which a student's enrolment must be finalised for a course, and applicable fees and charges are incurred. It is the last day that a student can withdraw from a course and have it deleted from their academic record.

It is also the deadline for various financial requirements, including submission of request for Commonwealth support and HECS-HELP form; submission of request for FEE-HELP Assistance; payment of any up-front payment of student contribution; obtaining a HECS-HELP loan; or supplying a Tax File Number.

Certified Copies

Certified Copies are copies of original documents that have been verified by an authorised person (as listed on the Attorney-General Department’s website) as being a true copy of an original document. 

Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN)

Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN) is a notice issued by Adelaide University to a student containing important information about the student's enrolment, student contribution, tuition fee or student services and amenities fee amount charged, HELP debt incurred, and any payments made towards these charges. 

Commonwealth Grant Scheme (CGS)

Commonwealth Grant Scheme is a scheme under which the Commonwealth provides funding to higher education providers for Commonwealth supported places. 

Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)

Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) is a higher education place for which the Commonwealth makes a financial contribution under the Higher Education Support Act 2003. Domestic undergraduate places at Adelaide University are generally Commonwealth supported. Postgraduate coursework places can be offered on a full fee-paying basis or as Commonwealth supported places. 

Commonwealth Supported Student

A Commonwealth Supported Student is a student who is eligible for, and is enrolled into, a Commonwealth supported place. Commonwealth supported students pay a student contribution amount towards the cost of their program, and a student services and amenities fee. 

Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances

Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances for holders of international student visas are those beyond the control of the student and have an impact on the student’s academic progress or wellbeing. Examples include: 

1. Serious illness or injury supported by a medical certificate. 

2. Bereavement of close family members such as a parent or grandparent. A death certificate should be provided, where possible. 

3. Major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel, which has impacted on the student’s studies. 

4. Adelaide University is unable to offer a prerequisite course. 

5. Inability to begin studying on the program’s commencement date due to a delay in receiving a student visa. 

6. A traumatic experience, supported by police or a psychologist statement, such as involvement in, or witnessing a serious accident, or witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime.

Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW)

Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) – an official document issued by Adelaide University to under 18 international students as required by the Australian Government where Adelaide University is accepting welfare responsibility. 

Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)

Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is an official document issued by Adelaide University to international students to confirm enrolment status as required by the Australian Government for student visa holders.

Controlled Entity

Controlled Entity means a person, group of persons or body corporate over which Adelaide University has control. 


Credit is the value assigned for the recognition of achievement of prior learning. Credit reduces the volume of new learning required to achieve a university qualification. 

Credit Precedent

Credit Precedent is established when a specific course at another institution have been approved for credit for a course in a specific Adelaide University program.  In this case credit can be approved without re-assessment.  Providing there are no changes to courses, credit precedents are normally valid for 3 years.  

Cross Institutional

Cross Institutional study is where a student undertaking a program at an institution is permitted to enrol in individual courses at another institution and count these towards their program. 

Enabling Program

An Enabling Program develops student skills and knowledge necessary for successful participation in university study. 

Enrolment Confirmation Notice (ECN)

Enrolment Confirmation Notice (ECN) is a notice provided by Adelaide University to a student and includes the name and code of the course(s) in which the student is enrolled, enrolment load, the census date, the student liability status, and the total outstanding debt. 

Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements are the rules that specify the attainments, skills and knowledge an applicant must demonstrate to be eligible for consideration for admission to a program. 


Exchange is study undertaken under a formal agreement between Adelaide University and an overseas provider. 


Exemption is granted for specific parts of a course, e.g., practicals, projects, assessments. 


Expulsion means the cancellation of enrolment of a student of Adelaide University or a Legacy University and termination of all rights and privileges as a student of Adelaide University including the right to re-enrol as a student and right to enter or to be on Adelaide University grounds or premises.

First Tuition Payment

First Tuition Payment is the money that international students pay towards their tuition to accept their offer of admission to Adelaide University

Formal Learning

Formal Learning takes place through a structured program that leads to the full or partial achievement of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) award or international equivalent.  

Frivolous Complaint

A Frivolous Complaint lacks substance or merit and would not be raised by a reasonable person under the circumstances. 


Grant is an award that assists a student to meet the initial costs of commencing university study, or to undertake a designated component of a program, for example a placement or international exchange. A grant is normally a one-off occurrence and usually takes the form of a payment made to the student or a reduction in specified costs, such as tuition fees.

Genuine Student

A Genuine Student is a person who has a genuine intention to study in Australia. 

Good Faith

Good Faith means acting honestly, openly, for a proper purpose, non-capriciously and without intent to cause harm. 

Higher Education Loans Program (HELP)

HELP (Higher Education Loans Program) is an Australian Government loan program to help eligible students pay their student contributions (HECS-HELP), tuition fees (FEE-HELP), overseas study expenses (OS-HELP) and their student services and amenities fee (SA-HELP). These loans are repaid through the Australian Taxation System. 


Hybrid courses are generally delivered on campus (face-to-face) unless otherwise specified. Courses will include some online content, which will be integrated holistically into the course.

Incidental Student Fees

Incidental Student Fees are fees Adelaide University may impose outside of student contribution amounts for Commonwealth supported students and tuition fees for non-supported students. 

Informal Learning

Informal Learning takes place through work and other experience, outside of a structured program. 

International Student

International Student means a person (whether inside or outside of Australia) who requires a student visa to study in Australia. 

Leave of Absence

Leave of Absence is a time period during which Adelaide University permits a student to remain unenrolled from courses but retain their place in a program. 

Legacy Universities

Legacy Universities are The University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia and any of their preceding institutions.  


A Major is a sequence of courses in a study area at the undergraduate level.  

Majors consist of 8 courses or 48 units at the undergraduate level.

Marketing and Communications Material

Marketing and Communications Material includes advertising; public relations; social media; publications; sponsorship; digital advertising and communications; websites; media liaison; presentation materials such as displays; events; merchandise and signage; and any other published promotional communications designed to generate interest in and engagement with Adelaide University.

Natural Justice

Natural Justice (also called ‘Procedural Fairness’) means acting fairly in administrative decision making and relates to the fairness of the procedure by which a decision is made, not whether the outcome is fair. Natural justice will be accorded based on the circumstances of the complaint. 

A Nested Program

A Nested Program is part of a set of programs in a common teaching area in which each lower award is a complete sub-set of the next award, e.g., graduate certificate into graduate diploma into master program. 


Non-Award study is enrolment in courses that do not count toward a program. Non-award students incur tuition fees and are not eligible for Commonwealth support. 

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is compulsory for prospective and current international student visa holders undertaking formal studies in Australia and for their dependents (including spouses and children under 18).  

Pathway Program

A Pathway Program is a sub-degree award program that provides an alternative access for applicants who may not be eligible for direct admission into an undergraduate program. Pathway Programs may be delivered by partner institutions. 

Personal Information

Personal Information is any information (including an opinion) about an identified or identifiable person.


Preclusion of a student from a program means cancellation of that student’s enrolment and prohibition from re-enrolment in that program for two years.  


Prize is an award that recognises outstanding academic achievement, academic development, or any other criteria specified in the rules. 

Program Schedule

A Program Schedule sets out the sequence of courses to be studied at each year level of a program to progress students through increasingly complex aspects of major program themes and developmentally sequenced intellectual demands.

Prospective Student

A Prospective Student is a person who has contacted Adelaide University, or an agent representing Adelaide University, with the intent of becoming a student. 

Principal Program

Principal Program is the highest program of study to be undertaken by an international student where the student visa has been issued for multiple programs and is usually the final program of study. 


A Quota is a cap on places available in a program that is subject to resource limitations related to teaching capacity, facilities or industry placements. 

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning is the process by which an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal, and non-formal learning) is assessed to determine credit that may be granted towards completion of an Adelaide University award program. 

Registered Training Organisation (RTO)

A Registered Training Organisation (RTO) is a training provider registered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) (or a state regulator) to deliver Vocational Education and Training (VET) services. 


A Respondent is an individual responsible for the decisions that are the subject of the complaint. 

Research Training Program (RTP)

RTP (Research Training Program) provides Commonwealth-funding for graduate researchers to cover the cost of their tuition fees for the duration of their program, up to a maximum period of four years' full-time equivalent study for a doctorate by research and two years' full-time equivalent study for a masters by research. Graduate researchers who exceed the funded time may be liable to pay tuition fees to Adelaide University


Scholarship is an award that assists a student to undertake or complete a program of study at Adelaide University for a nominated duration, normally taking the form of a period payment, or reduction in tuition fees. 


Selection is based on discrete sets of requirements, including academic qualifications, skills, knowledge, and other requirements, prescribed by Adelaide University to determine eligibility for admission into a specific program. 

Sensitive Information

Sensitive Information is Personal Information that is considered particularly sensitive or special and therefore needs additional protection. This includes information about racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or affiliations, trade-union membership, health, or medical conditions, genetic or biometric information, sexual orientation, or criminal convictions and offences.  


A Specialisation is a sequence of courses in a study area at the postgraduate level.

Specialisations usually constitute 4 courses or 24 units at the postgraduate level, but this may vary depending on the program.

Specified Credit

Specified Credit is credit that is granted for a specific course. 


A Student is a person enrolled in an Enabling Program, award or non-award coursework study, a research program, or a short course or microcredential at Adelaide University

Student Contribution Amount

Student Contribution Amount is the amount charged to Commonwealth supported students as a contribution towards the cost of their education. Adelaide University, in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act (HESA 2003), determines and publishes student contribution amounts on an annual basis. 

Student Critical Incident

Student Critical Incident is “a traumatic event, or threat of such (within or outside of Australia), which causes extreme stress, fear or injury” to a student or group of students and requires immediate attention. A critical incident involving students may include: 

1. Death of a student. 

2. Mental health crisis with risk of harm to self or others. 

3. Other serious injury or threat of harm to student and/or staff. 

4. Victim of crime. 

5. Missing student. 

6. Natural disaster. 

7. Child safety incident involving a student under 18 years. 

Student Learning Entitlement

The Student Learning Entitlement is an Australian Government rule that provides to Commonwealth supported students seven years of full-time subsidised study in Commonwealth supported places. The student learning entitlement applies to studies completed from January 1st, 2022 onwards. 

Student Non-Critical incident

Student Non-Critical Incident includes but is not limited to student welfare concerns such as theft or loss of property, property damage, immigration issues or other relatively minor incidents for which Adelaide University provides support and assistance through the normal service operations.  

Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)

The Student Services and Amenities Fee is charged to students annually for student services and non-academic amenities, such as sporting and recreational activities, employment and career advice, childcare, financial advice and food services in accordance with Higher Education Support Act 2003

Study Abroad Program

A Study Abroad Program is a means by which an overseas student can study at Adelaide University while the student’s home provider either does not have an exchange agreement with Adelaide University or has an agreement, but all Adelaide University places provided under the agreement are already allocated. 

Study Period

Study Period is the time over which a course is run, for example a trimester, a semester, or an intensive. 

Study Plan

A Study Plan is a schedule for an individual student that lists a recommended sequence for undertaking all courses within their program.


Sub-Quotas are prior learning categories used to ensure applicants with a particular qualification type only compete for a program place against applicants with an equivalent or comparable qualification type. Adelaide University uses the following sub-quotas to select applicants for Commonwealth-supported undergraduate places: Year 12 (or equivalent), higher education, TAFE and other RTOs, special entry, and enabling.

Support Person

Support Person means any individual who is not a legal practitioner and provides support and assistance to a student who is making a complaint. 


Suspension means the cancellation of enrolment of a student of Adelaide University or a Legacy University and the discontinuation for a specified time of all rights and privileges as a student of Adelaide University, including the right to re-enrol as a student, and the right to enter or to be on Adelaide University grounds or premises. 

Tuition Fee

Tuition Fee is charged for a course or program of study offered by Adelaide University. Tuition fee includes non-award fees, international student fees, offshore student fees, cross-institutional fees for students who are not Commonwealth supported, fees for domestic research degree students who exceed their funded time, fees for domestic students in fee-paying places, but does not include the student contribution amount or other fees related to incidental costs. 

Unsatisfactory Academic Progress

Unsatisfactory Academic Progress will be determined to have taken place if a student is not passing key components of a program, for example:

  • A student fails a course for the second time. 
  • A student fails 50% or more of their courses in an academic review period where they undertake more than one course enrolment. 
  • A student fails a practice-based learning activity, where that failure constitutes failure in the course. 

Unspecified Credit

Unspecified Credit is granted to a total unit value, but without correlation to a specific course or courses, e.g., for electives or courses in a major. 

Vexatious Complaint

A Vexatious Complaint is made by an individual who knows it to be: 

  • False. 
  • Based upon a set of facts Adelaide University has previously considered. 
  • Intended to be retaliatory, annoying or reputationally damaging.

Work Integrated Learning (WIL)

Work Integrated Learning (WIL) is an umbrella term for a pedagogical approach that combines theoretical learning of a discipline or professional context with practical experience, either actual, simulated and/or virtual, as a planned part of the curriculum. This approach helps students apply academic concepts to real-world work and professional situations, enhancing their skills, employability and understanding.