

Adelaide University Transition Council

The Adelaide University Transition Council will oversee the implementation of our vision for the new institution and ensure the successful delivery of our ambitions for the South Australian community.  

To date, 13 members have been appointed. The University of South Australia and the University of Adelaide have each nominated six representatives. Two positions have been held vacant for appointment at a future time.

Ms Pauline Carr
Ms Pauline Carr, Chancellor
Ms Janet Finlay
Ms Janet Finlay, Deputy Chancellor
Mr James (Jim) Hazel
Mr James (Jim) Hazel, Deputy Chancellor
Mr Lachlan Coleman
Mr Lachlan Coleman
Professor Peter Høj
Professor Peter Høj AC FAA FTSE FNAI (US)
Mr Andrew (Andy) Keough CSC
Mr Andrew (Andy) Keough CSC
Professor David Lloyd C Chem FRSC FTSE
Professor David Lloyd C Chem FRSC FTSE
Ms Carolyn Mitchell
Ms Carolyn Mitchell
 Ms Nicolle Rantanen Reynolds
Ms Nicolle Rantanen Reynolds
Mr Jim McDowell
Mr Jim McDowell
Professor Deirdre Tedmanson
Professor Deirdre Tedmanson
Hon Amanda Vanstone AO
Hon Amanda Vanstone AO
Mr Kenneth (Ken) Williams
Mr Kenneth (Ken) Williams

Joint Committee

Chaired by the co-Vice Chancellors, the Joint Committee is comprised of members from the two senior management groups of the University of South Australia and the University of Adelaide – responsible for the coordination of design and operationalisation of the new Adelaide University through seven key Domains.

Professor Peter Høj AC FAA FTSE FNAI (US)

co-Vice Chancellor

Professor David Lloyd C Chem FRSC FTSE

co-Vice Chancellor

Mr Paul Beard

Corporate & Finance Domain Lead

Ms Jane Booth

People & Culture Domain Lead

Professor Joanne Cys

Curriculum Domain Lead

Professor Jessica Gallagher

Market & Partner Engagement Domain Lead

Professor Anton Middelberg FTSE

Research & Research Training Domain Lead

Mr Tom Steer

Student Experience & Administration Domain Lead

Professor John Williams AM

Legislation & Academic Governance Domain Lead

Mr Bruce Lines

Executive Director, University Integration

Transitional Academic Board

The Adelaide University Transition Council established the Transitional Academic Board in accordance with clause 14 of Schedule 1 of the Adelaide University Act 2023. The Transition Council also approved the Transitional Academic Board’s Terms of Reference and interim membership.

Membership (as at May 2024)


  • Professor Scott Smith
  • Professor Deirdre Tedmanson

co-Vice Chancellors

  • Professor Peter Høj AC FAA FTSE FNAI (US)
  • Professor David Lloyd C Chem FRSC FTSE

Six Senior Managers

  • Professor Joanne Cys
  • Professor Katrina Falkner
  • Distinguished Professor Marnie Hughes-Warrington AO
  • Mr Richard Irons
  • Professor Anton Middelberg FTSE
  • Professor John Williams AM

Indigenous Staff Members

  • Professor Stephen Larkin
  • Associate Professor Karen Sinclair

Academic Staff Members

  • Dr Mark Dodd
  • Professor Tracy Humphrey
  • Professor Mario Ricci
  • Associate Professor Stephen Ward

Professional Staff Members

  • Ms Jessica Ford
  • Ms Karla Gotting
  • Ms Lisa Laws
  • Ms Siân Woolcock

Postgraduate Student Members

  • Mr Chang Dong (George)
  • Ms Lucy Fawcett

Undergraduate Student Members

  • Mr Oliver Shepard-Bayly
  • Mr Zeyang Wang (Aiden)