Why Bachelor of Laws (Honours), Bachelor of Journalism?
Craft narratives, shape policy and lead with the law.
Navigate and analyse the systems and structures that define modern Australia. Explore the laws that govern society – those shaping acceptable behaviours, resolving conflicts, and addressing injustices.
Provide expert legal advice, advocate for meaningful change, and influence public policy. Empower businesses and social enterprises to make informed and ethical decisions.
Master the art of storytelling and crafting news reports. Create compelling narratives to complement your legal studies. Use your legal studies to inform and enrich your journalism. Develop critical thinking skills to connect theory with practice and craft journalism that informs, challenges, and inspires action.
This double degree equips you to successfully navigate real-world challenges, empowering you to make a difference in your meaningful career.
Adelaide University’s Bachelor of Laws (Honours) is your path to a career as a lawyer or legal professional. Explore how to analyse and interpret laws, regulations, and court rulings. Cultivate an understanding of the legal systems and economic forces shaping Australian society.
Practise real-world skills such as drafting court documents. Explore how to advocate clearly and compassionately for clients. Conduct enquiries and learn how to meet complex and contemporary issues. Develop an appreciation for the importance of community-centred practice.
Our Bachelor of Journalism equips you with the expertise to tell important and impactful stories across multiple media platforms. Develop news gathering, researching, interviewing, analytical, writing and multimedia production skills. Learn how to record and edit audio and video stories. Write for online audiences and create immersive journalism using the latest technologies. Sharpen your critical analysis skills and develop your own long-form journalism project.
Both degrees include hands-on learning experiences, allowing you to undertake a real-world project or professional development in an industry setting.