Student Critical Incident Procedure

For Emergency Services (Police, Fire or Ambulance): call triple zero (000) 

For non-emergency Police response: call 131 444

For Lifeline mental wellbeing crisis support: call 131 114

For Australian Government Department of Home Affairs: call 131 881


1. Purpose

1.1. This procedure describes the actions required to manage a Student Critical Incident.

1.2. This procedure is to be read in conjunction with the Student Safety and Wellbeing Policy.

2. Scope

2.1. This procedure applies to all Adelaide University students undertaking an Adelaide University-Related Activity, in Australia or overseas, irrespective of the mode of study. This procedure may also apply to incidents involving international students in Australia that occur outside of Adelaide University-related activity.

2.2. If a critical incident involving an Adelaide University student occurs in a partner organisation, Adelaide University’s policy and procedure will apply unless the partner organisation has a critical incident policy. In this case Adelaide University will work closely with the partner organisation to ensure student safety and wellbeing is paramount.

2.3. This procedure may operate in conjunction with other Adelaide University policies and procedures, depending on the nature of the critical incident.

2.4. This procedure does not apply to Student Non-Critical Incidents. These are managed according to the relevant Adelaide University policy, or by the relevant Adelaide University support service.

3. Procedure

Immediate response

3.1. When a member of the Adelaide University Community becomes aware of a student critical incident they must:

3.1.1 Where there is an immediate threat, call emergency services. Dial ‘000’ for Police, Fire or Ambulance.

3.1.2 Contact Adelaide University Security who will inform the Critical Incident Response Coordinator (Response Coordinator), who is responsible for managing a student critical incident.

3.2. Staff assisting in a student critical incident are expected to be familiar with and act in accordance with Adelaide University's Privacy Policy, the Privacy Act 1988 Schedule 1 - Australian Privacy Principles and relevant legislation.

Role of Response Coordinator

3.3. The Response Coordinator will assess the critical incident and develop a response plan.

3.4. The Response Coordinator will notify relevant parties, both internal and external to Adelaide University, based on the nature of the critical incident. All critical incidents involving international students must be reported to the Adelaide University International Office.1

3.5. The Response Coordinator will convene a Critical Incident Coordinating Team (the Coordinating Team) to manage all aspects of the critical incident. Membership of the Coordinating Team will reflect the nature of the critical incident.

3.6. The Response Coordinator will document the critical incident, actions taken and outcomes.

Critical incidents involving international students under 18 years of age

3.7. Critical incidents involving international students under 18 that disrupt the student’s welfare arrangements will be reported to the Australian Government within 24 hours.

3.8. Adelaide University will provide specific support for international students under 18 years of age as required under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth) (ESOS Act).

Post-critical incident evaluation and reporting

3.9. Adelaide University will evaluate its response to each critical incident, including recommendations for improvements.

3.10. Adelaide University Council will be provided with an annual report that details the number and nature of student critical incidents and recommends improvements for future critical incident management and ongoing safety management.

3.11. Records of critical incidents will be managed in accordance with the State Records Act 1997.

4. Definitions

4.1. Adelaide University Community refers to a broad range of stakeholders who engage with Adelaide University and includes (but is not limited to) all students, staff, and non-staff members of Adelaide University including alumni, honorary title holders, adjuncts, visiting academics, guest lecturers, volunteers, suppliers and partners who are engaging with and contributing to the work of Adelaide University.

4.2. Adelaide University-Related Activity includes (but is not limited to) events and activities during or in connection with a student’s clinical, practicum, internship or work experience placements, or while a student is participating in Adelaide University-approved study at another institution.

4.3. Student Critical Incident is “a traumatic event, or threat of such (within or outside of Australia), which causes extreme stress, fear or injury”2 to a student or group of students and requires immediate attention. A critical incident involving students may include:

4.3.1 Death of a student.

4.3.2 Mental health crisis with risk of harm to self or others.

4.3.3 Other serious injury or threat of harm to student and/or staff.

4.3.4 Victim of crime.

4.3.5 Missing student.

4.3.6 Natural disaster.

4.3.7 Child safety incident involving a student under 18 years.

4.4. Student Non-Critical Incident includes but is not limited to student welfare concerns such as theft or loss of property, property damage, immigration issues or other relatively minor incidents for which Adelaide University provides support and assistance through the normal service operations.


Document authorities and history


Procedure category


Approving authority

Co-Vice Chancellors via Transition Council delegation upon recommendation from Transitional Academic Board

Responsible Officer

Co-Vice Chancellors or their delegate

Procedure effective from

31 May 2024

Procedure review date

31 May 2029


Contact us

Document history

This is a new Adelaide University policy

HESF Domain

Domain 2. Learning Environment

Domain 6. Representation, Information and Information Management

Related documents


Parent policy

Student Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Associated procedures


Referenced documents

Under 18 Student Support Procedure

Referenced legislation

Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000

Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021

Privacy Act 1988

Unit title to be determined.
2 [1] The National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018, Standard 6: Student Support Services