The purpose of our procedure
Our procedure states the processes for grading coursework at Adelaide University.
Please read this procedure in conjunction with:
- Assessment Policy
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Assessment Procedure
- [Work Integrated Learning Procedure]
- [Variations in Assessment Procedure]
- [Certified Assessment Procedure]
- [Quality Assurance in Assessment Procedure].
Who our procedure applies to
Our procedure applies to all undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students, including single course and cross-institutional enrolments, short courses, micro-credentials, non-award and offshore courses.
Our Grading Procedure
1. Determination and approval of course grades
Each year the [senior role] will publish a schedule which will specify the timeline for recommendation, review and finalisation of course grades for each study period. The schedule will also identify the census and withdrawal dates for each study period.
The [Course Coordinator] recommends the final grade for each student after taking into account any variations to assessment made in accordance with the [Variations to Assessments Procedure]. Recommended grades must be entered into the student record system via the Learning Management System grade roster.
All courses must be graded according to the approved assessment grading schemes (section 3.3). Where a course grade has not yet been determined approved interim notations and blank grades are to be used (section 3.2). Interim notations are temporary placeholders used in exceptional circumstances in the place of a course grade until that course grade can be determined.
At the conclusion of a course [committee] will:
- Review the recommended course grades, grade distribution reports and any other relevant documents, and moderate where applicable. This review will include, but is not limited to, consideration of the grades of students:
- within the same class
- across different classes within the same course
- relative to previous finalised grades for past cohorts
- within the same course across different programs, including onshore and offshore versions of a program.
- Approve the course grades or notations for publication.
After grades have been finalised, they can only be altered with the approval of the [senior role], on advice from the [Course Coordinator].
The [senior role] is responsible for ensuring that finalised course grades are published [through the LMS]. Finalised course grades may not be released by any other means.
2. Interim notations
If it is not possible to finalise a course grade for an enrolled student by the published timeline, the Interim notation (I) may be used so that the student’s progress in the program can be accurately monitored.
An Interim (I) notation indicates that determination of the recommended grade has been delayed beyond the published deadline for finalising grades in that study period. It should only be used in one of the following circumstances:
- Extenuating circumstances mean that the [Course Coordinator] has not been able to complete the assessment of a student's work by the deadline for finalising course grades.
- The student has an [Access Plan] that includes an agreed extension to one or more of the assessment tasks beyond the deadline for finalising course grades.
- The student's course grade requires clarification because it was queried during moderation.
- The student’s course grade is pending the outcome of an academic integrity investigation.
If it is not possible to finalise the course grades for a group of students in a course by the published timeline, blank grades may be used. Blank grades are permitted only for courses that have received prior exemption from [senior role]. Such exemptions are granted exclusively to courses with third-party affiliations, placements, or external schedules that prevent course grades from being published within the prescribed timelines.
The Course Coordinator must inform the student about the reason for the Interim (I) notation or blank grade by email.
All Interim (I) notations and blank grades must be converted to a course grade by the relevant date in the schedule published by the [senior role]. Any Interim (I) notations or blank grades not converted by the relevant date in the schedule will be converted to a failing grade.
3. Grading schemes
Two grading schemes are available for courses in coursework programs, one for graded courses and one for non-graded courses.
Each course must use the grading scheme approved during the course design and approval process.
The non-graded scheme is most appropriate if the course:
- involves practice-based learning activities
- involves extensive project work/coursework in diverse settings external to the University
- uses a competency or mastery model of assessment
- is a common core course.
If a student has been granted exemption for recognition of prior learning (RPL) in a course, the following applies:
- In a non-graded course, assessment pieces attracting RPL exemption are entered as Pass Non-graded (PNG).
- In a graded course, an Exempted (Ex) notation is entered for the assignments attracting RPL exemption. The Course Coordinator applies an overall grade to the course that reflects the grade average achieved for submitted assignments in accordance with the procedure for exempted assignments in the [Variations to Assessment Procedure].
4. Course grades and notations
For graded courses, students will receive a mark for the course, which will be a percentage. Percentage ranges are associated with grades as per the table below. These must be consistently applied for all graded courses.
Course Grade | Notation | Percentage | Included | Descriptor |
High Distinction | HD | 85-100 | Yes | Outstanding performance across the learning outcomes. |
Distinction | D | 75-84 | Yes | Excellent performance across the learning outcomes. |
Credit | C | 65-74 | Yes | High performance across the learning outcomes. |
Pass | P | 50-64 | Yes | Satisfactory performance across the learning outcomes. |
Failed Hurdle | FH | 49 | Yes | Failure to satisfy a hurdle requirement demonstrates one or more learning outcomes have not been met. |
Fail | F | Below 50 | Yes | Unsatisfactory performance on a number of learning outcomes, possibly including failure to meet specified assessment requirements. |
4.2 Non-graded courses
Course Grade | Notation | Included | Descriptor |
Pass Non-Graded | PNG | No | Achieved all course learning outcomes. |
Fail Non-Graded | FNG | No | Unsatisfactory performance on a number of learning outcomes, and/or failure to meet specified assessment requirements. |
4.3 Final grades for audit students
Grade | Notation | Percentage | Included in WAM | Descriptor |
Audit student | AS | Not applicable | No | The student had the opportunity to participate in the learning activities in the course but was not assessed. |
4.4 Final grades for student withdrawal
Grade | Notation | Included in WAM | Descriptor |
Withdraw – Not Fail | W | No | The student withdrew from the course (without penalty) on or before the ‘date for withdrawal without an academic penalty’ being recorded, as prescribed by the [role]. |
Withdraw Fail | WF | Yes, 0% | The student withdrew from the course after the ‘date for withdrawal without an academic penalty’, as prescribed by the [role]. |
5. Program grades for honours programs
A program grade is calculated from the weighted average mark (WAM) (section 6) for completed honours programs
WAM | Program Grade | Notation |
80-100 | First Class Honours | H1 |
70-79 | Second Class Honours | H2A |
60-69 | Second Class Honours | H2B |
59 or below | Third Class Honours | H3 |
6. Calculation of the weighted average mark
A weighted average mark (WAM) can be calculated for the courses a student has completed in their program (program WAM), or for all courses they have completed at Adelaide University (cumulative WAM).
The WAM is calculated as follows:
WAM = sum of (course grade % x course units)
sum of (course units)
Non-graded courses do not contribute to the WAM.
7. Student appeals against course grades
Disputes about course grades will be resolved in accordance with the Student Complaints Resolution Procedure.