About co-creation
Co-creation is at the heart of our transition planning to deliver the new Adelaide University. It is an opportunity to draw on our collective wisdom and connect with our communities to help shape and design core elements of the proposed new university for our state.
Our approach to co-creation is underpinned by the following principles:
- inviting diversity of thinking and challenge (collaborate)
- involving users and understanding their needs in design work (user-focus)
- brainstorming and coming up with creative solutions (ideate)
- defining and testing ideas (validate)
- supporting the development of an inclusive culture (communities of practice).
Co-creation will take place through targeted activities that engage our people, including small focus groups, large-scale workshops and ideation and collaboration through an interactive online platform, IdeaPlace.
Through our co-creation activities, we will harvest new ideas – to test and explore what is possible to enable us to deliver on our bold vision for a shared future.