How do I satisfy the Genuine Student requirement?
Last Modified: 12/Jul/2024
When is a Genuine Student (GS) interview conducted and what documents are required? Once your application to Adelaide University has been assessed, you might be requested to book an interview. The interview will assist the University in determining if you meet the Department of Home Affairs Genuine Student requirement (GSR). You will be contacted by our admissions team for a 15-minute virtual video interview to discuss:
- your chosen program and how it aligns with your goals
- your reasons for choosing Adelaide University
- your financial arrangements for living and studying in Adelaide
- your plans once you have completed your study.
You will need to ensure you have a reliable internet connection, a device with a camera and that you are in a space where you will not be interrupted for the duration of your interview. You will also be asked to show your passport to verify your identity.
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