What is a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE), why do I need one?

Last Modified: 07/Aug/2024

A Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is a document sent to international students after you have accepted your offer of admission, paid your tuition fee deposit, and organised your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) (if applicable). Your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) contains information about you, the program you will be studying, the estimated cost, and the duration.

The Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) proves that you have accepted your place in your program and can now enrol at Adelaide University.

You will need your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) to lodge a student visa application to study in Australia.

We will email your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) to you or your Education Partner approximately 1 – 2 days after we have received your completed acceptance documentation, tuition fee deposit payment, and evidence of Overseas Student Health Cover.

Find out more about meeting the conditions of your offer or accepting an international offer.

What is a conditional CoE?

If you have an offer that is conditional on your final results, you may be eligible to accept your offer early and receive a conditional CoE. A conditional CoE is issued so you can start your student visa application process.

Conditions are noted on the CoE, and entry to your program depends on whether you meet and provide evidence of meeting the conditions.

A conditional CoE is issued if you:

  • are still undertaking your final semester of study
  • have met English language proficiency requirements
  • have provided certified proof of your academic details
  • are using a recognised Education Agent
  • have completed the application for a Conditional CoE.

Once your results are released, please provide these via the Online Application System or to your Education Agent as soon as possible so you can enrol in your courses.

If you don't meet the academic requirements of your offer, your CoE may be cancelled. You will be entitled to a refund of any fees paid by the University refund policy.

What if my CoE is cancelled?

Adelaide University may cancel your CoE for several reasons. For example, if you:

  • failed to enrol in any courses
  • failed to pay your tuition fees
  • have been prohibited from further study under Adelaide University's Academic Preclusion, Suspension, and Expulsion Procedure (For more information see Adelaide University's Enrolment Policy)
  • decided to defer your studies
  • decided to withdraw from your studies at Adelaide University
  • decided to transfer to a different education provider
  • completed your studies early.

If we cancel your CoE, our International Student Support team will notify you on the date of cancellation. You will then have 28 days from this date to either:

  • leave Australia
  • apply for a different visa
  • apply to have your CoE reinstated.

After 28 days, the Department of Home Affairs may cancel your student visa at any time.

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