Research at Adelaide University

Advancing transformative impact through connected research

Research at Adelaide University

Future-making research

Adelaide University researchers advance future-defining ideas and solutions. We dream big, think deeply and challenge assumptions so we can make the world a better place. We forge dynamic partnerships, always collaborating to ensure our impact is transformative and enduring. Operating on a large scale, we have more capacity for breakthroughs and a greater appetite for change. Our research will transform South Australia’s economy and accelerate its leadership on the global stage. Our developing Adelaide University research strategy, including First Nations research, aligns with and informs the broader University's strategic ambitions and directions.  

Five signature research themes

Our research themes are focused on research impact and founded on excellence.  

Creative & Cultural

Personal & Societal Health

Defence & National Security 

Sustainable Green Transition

Food, Agriculture & Wine

Our research ambitions

We are a global powerhouse of research excellence, accelerating research impact through partnerships and collaborations. Our research ambitions include: 

Ranked in the world’s top 100 research universities

Australia’s research partner of choice

Number one in Australia for industry research income and engagement

Australia’s most industry-engaged university

An outstanding graduate researcher experience

Adelaide University will educate and inspire future researchers and thought leaders, with an outstanding experience fully supported by a dedicated Adelaide University Graduate Research School.  

Research at Adelaide University

Engage with our research

Adelaide University builds on centuries of world-class research excellence.  

Explore history-making research at the University of Adelaide

Learn how UniSA translates discoveries into solutions


Adelaide University aims to deliver future-making research of scale and focus that can drive discovery, innovation and knowledge-based transformation for South Australia and beyond. 

Adelaide University will aim to leverage existing collaborations at the University of Adelaide and University of South Australia and implement transformational initiatives to become a global research powerhouse. These will recognise the Signature Research Themes (SRTs), and anticipate global and national trends, to strengthen and diversify the economy and support social growth. 

Adelaide University aims to become the partner of choice for industry and government and recognised as Australia’s most industry-engaged University. 

Our research will aim to create societal and economic impact at a local, national, and global level by accelerating research impact through collaborations and partnerships at scale and aligned with state and federal economic priorities.

Adelaide University aims to be the first choice for industry to source talent, training, education, and research. This is a significant pipeline to employment and economic development for South Australia, and we will continue to work to achieve this goal. 

First Nations People across the University of South Australia and the University of Adelaide are already engaged and working together. 

Adelaide University is committed to the recognition and amplification of First Nations knowledges through First Nations led, two-way initiatives such as the strategy for Aboriginal Research excellence. 

Adelaide University will offer innovative and flexible research degrees that provide more pathways into research.  Our research degrees will be contemporary, internationally recognised, accessible, focused and flexible, including:

  • Doctor of Philosophy  
  • Master of Philosophy  
  • Master of Research.  

Furthermore, research-focused graduate certificates are in development, with further details to be released soon. These will be open for application in 2025 to start in 2026.  

For full-time study, the duration of study is as follows:   

  • Doctor of Philosophy – 3-4 years  
  • Master of Philosophy – 2 years 
  • Master of Research – 1-1.5 years (depending on credit for prior research skills training).

Applications for Adelaide University research degrees will open in early 2025 for commencement in 2026.

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