Current students

Current students

Current student support 

If you're a current student at the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia and will be continuing your studies in 2026, please review the information on this page to find out more about the transition to Adelaide University, and how to access support services for your current university.

Transition updates

Find information about the transition to Adelaide University, your enrolment, and more. 

In 2026, your Adelaide University enrolment will either be in your existing program or in an equivalent program. You will be informed about the Adelaide University program you will transition into in the first half of 2025. Later in the year, undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students will receive an individual study plan that will detail the courses you have completed and information about the courses you’ll need to enrol into prior to enrolments opening. Graduate research students will receive confirmation of your ongoing enrolment.

The 2026 enrolments for undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students will open in late 2025. You will be able to complete your degree in the same timeframe, provided you continue to make satisfactory academic progress.

The records of all previous courses studied and details of the credit awarded will be transferred to Adelaide University, and you will automatically be awarded credit into your Adelaide University program (including previously approved credit).

We are fully committed to supporting you during the transition to Adelaide University. You will receive timely and open communication regarding any changes to your student experience, your program or any courses. You will be provided with support, both face-to-face and online, before, during and after transition to Adelaide University.  

The student support services available at Adelaide University will incorporate all the services currently available to students at the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia. This includes support services such as general enquiry services, counselling, disability or carer support (including access plans), First Nations student support, graduate research specific services, elite athletes and performer agreements and personalised support for veterans, and the continuation of any ongoing scholarships (subject to meeting ongoing conditions).

For graduate research students, this will also include support through the Adelaide University Graduate Research School.

You can also visit the Support web page to find out more about Adelaide University’s range of support services.   

View the Adelaide University Academic Calendar to see the key dates for 2026-2027. Adelaide University has a long-term vision to move to a trimester calendar that will support a more accessible and flexible student experience. We anticipate a gradual transition that will not commence before 2028. 

If you’re living in Adelaide and looking for new accommodation, or you’ll be arriving in Adelaide to commence your studies in 2025, please seek accommodation assistance from the education provider you are enrolled with for 2025. Visit the relevant websites for more information:



Find the answers to all of your questions.

The design and development of new equivalent programs for Adelaide University is based on existing programs at our foundation universities and their learning outcomes. In some cases where a close match between a foundation university program and an Adelaide University program is not possible, the existing program from our foundation institutions will continue to be taught at Adelaide University until all current students graduate. This combination of new and existing programs is designed to ensure all current students graduate with learning outcomes equivalent or better to those they enrolled for.

Equivalent programs have learning outcomes aligned to those of programs from foundation universities, and in some cases learning outcomes have been updated to respond to changes in industry needs, community priorities and to reflect the Adelaide University vision. This process of updating learning outcomes reflects best practice for the higher education sector, ensuring our curriculum meets future industry and community needs.

If you are uncertain about how your new program delivers equivalent learning outcomes to your existing program, you will be able to discuss your situation with relevant academics, Campus Central and Ask Adelaide. As is currently the case for students at our foundation institutions, internal transfer between programs is available to students transitioning to Adelaide University.

Minors and sub-majors feature in only a small number of programs at our foundation universities and are not mapped against a student’s record. To provide a consistent student experience across Adelaide University, it was decided to not include minors or sub-majors as part of programs, as this is already the case for most programs at our foundation universities. Continuing students will be able to use electives within their program to complete remaining courses from minors or sub-majors, and electives will also allow future students to specialise in areas within their degree.

The range of electives that students at Adelaide University will be able to choose from will be much larger than currently available at either university, as Adelaide University students will be able to choose electives from any discipline area, not only from the discipline area of their degree. This will allow for broader options for specialisation, interdisciplinary interaction and help students personalise their learning journeys in ways previously unavailable under minor and sub-major structures.

If you wish to change programs after receiving your transition study plan, you can apply for an internal transfer to another Adelaide University program later in 2025 via an online internal transfer form. Further information and advice about this process will be provided to you when internal transfer applications open.

Applications for internal transfer must meet the entry requirements of the desired program and relevant credit will be assessed at the time of transfer.

You may have received more than one program transition pathway email if you are undertaking a combined or double degree, or you are currently active in more than one program, even if you are only enrolled in one. If you believe you should not be active in more than one program, please contact Ask Adelaide or Campus Central  for further advice and to update your student record.

All previous studies successfully completed in your current program at the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia will be recognised for students transitioning to Adelaide University in their elected existing or equivalent program.

If you have previously received credit in your current program for a course(s) you completed external to the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia, this will be transferred to Adelaide University.

Scholarships applied to fees for international students, and scholarships and grants for domestic students from the University of Adelaide or University of South Australia will be maintained for current recipients when they transition to Adelaide University.

We’re working through all other scholarship arrangements given the various agreements in place with a principle that no student will be disadvantaged.

If you are awarded a scholarship, grant or fee discount from the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia, you'll retain that scholarship under its terms and conditions at the point of acceptance. Current UniSA or University of Adelaide international coursework students will not be eligible to apply for an additional Adelaide University scholarship under their current arrangement.

All International students in receipt of a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) from either the University of South Australia or the University of Adelaide will have a new CoE issued for Adelaide University. There will be no change to the duration of enrolment length between a CoE from your current institution and the new CoE issued from Adelaide University. We anticipate that all international students will receive an email by mid-October 2025 with the new CoE attached. The new Adelaide University CoE will take effect from January 1, 2026.

The University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia will assist eligible international students transferring to the new university in 2026 to ensure their documentation and program of study are compliant with their student visa.

We don’t expect any significant changes to campus locations for most activities in 2026. Most classes that students attend in 2026 will be in the same locations as they were in 2025. One exception to this may be in cases where Adelaide University is able to offer students access to specialised facilities that they can’t currently access at their foundation institution.

Where there are clear benefits to students, classes may occasionally be held in new locations to provide access to the resources that best support student learning. All such timetabling decisions will be made with a student-first approach that aims to minimise travel between campuses.

The following outlines how parchments, consistent with the regulatory obligations, will be issued to students graduating from Adelaide University:

  • All students commencing their studies with Adelaide University in 2026 (and beyond) will graduate with an Adelaide University award.
  • Commencing students enrolling in 2025 (and who transfer from the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia to Adelaide University) will receive their award from Adelaide University.
  • Students enrolled in or before 2024 (and who transfer from the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia to Adelaide University) will receive their award from Adelaide University and will be able to elect to have the name and logo of the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia displayed on their award (subject to approval from regulatory and accrediting bodies).

All students, completing their studies prior to 2026, regardless of commencement date, will receive an award from their current institution (either the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia), but will also be considered as alumni of Adelaide University. They will be eligible to receive official confirmation of this from Adelaide University should they require it.

Adelaide University will have new student placement uniforms, and more information on uniforms and other Adelaide University merchandise will be available in the second half of 2025.

Students are advised not to purchase more uniforms than is reasonably necessary for 2025.

Find information or get help

This page and the Frequently asked questions web page will continue to be updated over the upcoming months. Please check these regularly, along with your student email, for information and updates about the transition to Adelaide University.

If the information you’re looking for isn’t available at this stage, please contact your current support service – Ask Adelaide or Campus Central – for assistance.

You can also visit the Support web page to find out more about Adelaide University’s commitment to students.


Campus Central

University of Adelaide

Ask Adelaide


Research Student Services

University of Adelaide

Graduate Research School


UniSA Online

Available Monday - Friday, 8:30am to 9:00pm (ACST), and Saturday and Sunday, 9:00am to 5:00pm (ACST)

Phone: 1300 148 812 

University of Adelaide

Online student enquiries

Available Monday - Thursday, 8.30am to 5pm (ACST/ACDT), Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm (ACST/ACDT)

Phone: 1300 296 648