The purpose of our procedure
Our procedure states the processes and requirements for graduate research student supervision. Please read this procedure in conjunction with our Graduate Research Policy.
Our procedure authorises the [manager] to maintain a [Graduate Research Supervision Protocol] and [Supervisor Register Protocol][1].
Who our procedure applies to
- Graduate research students
- Graduate research supervisors and advisors
- Staff associated with the support, management and leadership of graduate research programs.
Who our procedure does not apply to
- Adelaide University coursework students
- Supervisors of research projects conducted as part of coursework programs.
Our Graduate Research Supervision Procedure
1. How prospective graduate research students are assessed
Supervisors will carefully review applicants, and to the best of their ability, only recommend that admission be offered to prospective graduate research students who are likely to be successful, in areas for which the supervisors have the necessary experience and expertise.
2. What our supervisors are responsible for
Supervisors are responsible for the training and education of graduate research students to prepare them to become professional, independent researchers.
Supervisors provide graduate research students with positive, respectful, and proactive supervision in a learning environment that is characterised by physical, psychological, and psychosocial safety.
Supervisors are responsible for ensuring their graduate research students are aware of and educated about all compliance obligations and standards of professional conduct.
Supervisors are responsible for ensuring their graduate research students keep up to date with all codes, policies, regulations, and procedures that relate to graduate research for the duration of candidature.
Supervisors engaged in research with the graduate research students they are responsible for, must ensure all involved receive appropriate credit and recognition.
Supervisors have a responsibility to work with their graduate research students and assist them to meet candidature milestones, as specified in the [Graduate Research Student Candidature Procedure[2]].
Supervisors are responsible for ensuring they do not have a conflict of interest with the graduate research student they supervise.
Supervisors must ensure they do not accept responsibility for supervision of graduate research students beyond their eligible supervision load or areas of expertise, factoring in their overall workload commitments. Supervisors who wish to supervise beyond their determined eligible supervision load may be allowed to do so if they have a record of excellent outcomes or evidence of mitigating factors.
Supervisors are committed to taking all reasonable steps to provide a productive and safe learning environment, supported with necessary resources, to enable the success of the graduate research student for the duration of candidature.
3. About supervisory roles and supervisory panels
Adelaide University recognises the following supervisory roles: Principal Supervisor, Co-supervisor and External Supervisor.
Graduate research students completing a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Master of Philosophy (MPhil) will be supervised by a panel of supervisors to ensure appropriate breadth, depth, and continuity of supervision.
Graduate research students completing a Master of Research may be supervised by a single Principal Supervisor, but a panel remains the preferred option.
Unless approved by the [Senior Executive (e.g. Dean of Graduate Studies)] on recommendation from the [Dean of School], supervisory panels must include at least one academic staff member employed by Adelaide University as Principal Supervisor or Co-supervisor.
4. The requirements to be a supervisor
Graduate research program supervisors will meet the qualification requirements specified in the Higher Education Standards Framework Standard 3.2. They will be research-active, well-skilled, responsible and experienced researchers who demonstrate the requisite advanced knowledge in the field related to the research focus of the project.
Principal Supervisors and Co-supervisors will be required to undertake compulsory induction and on-going professional development in supervisory practice every 3 years. External Supervisors will be required to undertake an induction prior to commencement of supervision.
Supervisors must keep up to date with and comply with all codes, policies, regulations, and procedures that relate to graduate research.
Failure to comply with supervisor responsibilities as outlined in the Supervision Procedure [and relevant protocols] may result in suspension or removal from the Supervisor Register.
5. About our Supervisor Register
Adelaide University maintains a Supervisor Register (Register) of current and eligible Principal Supervisors, Co-supervisors and External Supervisors. Only supervisors listed on the Register will supervise graduate research students.
Supervisors are required to demonstrate high quality supervision to remain on the Register and previous supervision performance and capacity to supervise will be considered.
A supervisor who does not perform at the expected level may have their capacity to supervise graduate research students reduced or revoked. A program of development in collaboration with the academic area may be suggested to support the supervisor to reach the expected level of achievement in supervision.
The Register will, at a minimum, record the number of graduate research students and the examination outcomes for the graduate research students a supervisor has supervised.
6. Our arrangements while transitioning to Adelaide University
Supervisors at the foundation universities who are supervising a graduate research student who transitions to Adelaide University will be placed on the Register. Supervisors will remain on the Register until either the candidature of all graduate research students under their supervision ends (whether that be through degree conferral or otherwise), or they are removed from the register in line with instances outlined in the procedure.
Supervisors placed on the Register under this transition arrangement who do not meet the Register requirements will be removed from the Register once the candidature of their pre-2026 commencing graduate research students ends.
For a supervisor to recruit and take on new graduate research students during 2025 for commencement from 1st January 2026, they must meet the requirements for inclusion on the Register. All supervisors who are currently on the Register at the foundation universities and who meet the requirements to be on the Register will be automatically placed on the Register.
Definitions used in our procedure
Foundation universities means the University of South Australia and The University of Adelaide.
Graduate research student means a student enrolled in a graduate research program, such as the Master of Research, Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy. It does not include coursework programs with a research component, such as Honours.
Please refer to our Adelaide University glossary for a full list of our definitions.
How our procedure is governed
This procedure is categorised, approved and owned in line with the governance structure of Adelaide University and the offices and officers listed below.
Parent policy | Graduate Research Policy |
Policy category | Academic |
Approving authority | co-Vice Chancellors/Vice Chancellor and President |
Policy owner | Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation |
Responsible officer | Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation or their Delegate |
Effective from | 26 November 2024 |
Review date | 26 November 2029 |
Enquiries | Interim Central Policy Unit |
Replaced documents | None |
Legislation and other documents related to this procedure
Adelaide University Act 2023
Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021
3.2 Staffing
4.2 Research and Research Training
History of changes
Date approved | To section/clauses | Description of change |
26 November 2024 | N/A | New procedure |
At the time of writing, the organisational structure, position titles and committees for Adelaide University have not been confirmed. Accordingly, square brackets [ ] temporarily enclose position titles in this procedure until position titles for Adelaide University are known.
[1] Titles and number of protocols may be subject to change.
[2] This procedure will be developed prior to 1 January 2026.