Under 18 Student Support Procedure

1. Purpose

1.1. This procedure outlines processes related to the safety, wellbeing and support of Adelaide University students under the age of 18 years.

1.2. This procedure is to be read in conjunction with the Admissions Policy and Children and Young People Safety Policy. 1

2. Scope 

2.1. This procedure applies to all Adelaide University students under 18 years, international applicants offered a place to study at Adelaide University, and staff responsible for teaching or supporting students under 18 years.

3. Procedure

Identification of students under 18 years

3.1. Prior to commencement of each study period Adelaide University will take all reasonable steps to identify students under 18 years enrolled in courses and make their presence known to relevant teaching staff.

Student support

3.2. All international students under 18 years must participate in the international student orientation program. 

3.3. Staff must actively encourage students under 18 years to seek out Adelaide University support services and information to assist their transition to Adelaide University.

3.4. Each student under 18 years will be assigned an adviser. Until the student reaches 18 years, the adviser will organise regular meetings with the student to discuss (as applicable) student accommodation and welfare and provide course planning and academic support. Notes from these meetings will be added to the student’s record.

3.5. Teaching staff are required to monitor and report any progress or non-attendance issues to the student’s assigned adviser.

3.6. Unless a lawful request in made, a student’s Personal Information will not be disclosed without the student’s written permission except where there are serious and evidence-based concerns about the student’s safety or welfare. 

Student safety and wellbeing

3.7. All students under 18 and their parents or legal guardians will be provided emergency contacts and appropriate information explaining processes for reporting incidents or allegations of sexual, physical or other abuse.

3.8. Emergency situations concerning students under 18 years will be managed in accordance with relevant Adelaide University policies including the Student Misconduct Policy, Student Critical Incident Procedure, and Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment (SASH) Policy. 1

3.9. Parental/guardian consent must be obtained for students under 18 to participate in off-campus activities such as field trips, placements, work experience or sporting activities. Students under 17 years are not permitted to attend any overnight activity unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Accommodation arrangements (international student visa holders)

3.10. Before accepting an offer to study, international applicants under 18 years must inform Adelaide University of their accommodation arrangements, which will be one of the following:

3.10.1. With a nominated guardian (parent, legal custodian or eligible relative) approved by the Australian Government in accordance with the Australian Migration Regulations.

3.10.2. In Adelaide University approved accommodation. 

3.11. Adelaide University will ensure that student accommodation arrangements are appropriate prior to initial approval and will confirm at least every six months that they remain so until the student turns 18.

3.12. A student residing with a nominated guardian must provide to Adelaide University a copy of any requisite Australian Government forms for noting on their student record. 

3.13. Adelaide University will contact students choosing to reside in Adelaide University approved accommodation to organise accommodation arrangements.

3.14. Adelaide University will file all Working with Children Checks for homestay hosts and maintain them with the student’s records.

3.15. Adelaide University will issue a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare Letter (CAAW) with the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) for international students under 18 years residing in Adelaide University approved accommodation.

3.16. Before accepting a student under 18 years with an existing CAAW, Adelaide University will negotiate a transfer date with the current provider to align the end date of the existing CAAW with the start date of the new CAAW. 

3.17. A student wishing to change accommodation arrangements must first seek approval from Adelaide University. If the change is not approved the student must remain in their current accommodation arrangement.

3.18. If Adelaide University is unable to contact a student and has concerns for the student’s welfare, all reasonable efforts will be made in accordance with the Critical Incident Procedure to locate the student, including notifying parents or legal guardians, police and relevant Commonwealth, state or territory agencies as soon as practicable.

3.19. If a student with a CAAW has their enrolment Suspended or cancelled Adelaide University will continue to take responsibility for the student’s welfare and accommodation arrangements until one of the following occurs:

3.19.1. The student is accepted by another registered education provider who takes on the responsibility for approving the student’s welfare and accommodation arrangements.

3.19.2. The student’s parent or legal guardian makes other suitable arrangements in accordance with Australian Government requirements.

3.19.3. The student turns 18 years.

3.19.4. The student leaves Australia.

3.19.5. Adelaide University reports to the Australian Government that it is no longer able to approve the welfare and accommodation arrangements of the student as outlined in 3.21.

3.19.6. Adelaide University is unable to contact a student and has taken the required action stated in 3.18.

3.20. Adelaide University may terminate a CAAW only in the following circumstances:

3.20.1. Alternative welfare and accommodation arrangements have been put in place.

3.20.2. The student refuses their accommodation or leaves the accommodation without notice after all possible avenues for assisting the student to maintain accommodation arrangements have been exhausted.

3.20.3. The accommodation provider is unable to maintain arrangements.

3.20.4. The student’s enrolment is suspended or cancelled.

3.20.5. The student has gone missing from their accommodation and cannot be found or contacted after activation of the Critical Incident Procedure.

3.21. When terminating a CAAW Adelaide University must make all reasonable efforts to immediately notify the student’s parents or legal guardians and must notify the relevant Australian Government department within 24 hours. Terminating a CAAW may lead to student visa cancellation. 

4. Definitions

4.1. Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) – an official document issued by Adelaide University to under 18 international students as required by the Australian Government where Adelaide University is accepting welfare responsibility.

4.2. Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) is an official document issued by Adelaide University to international students to confirm enrolment status as required by the Australian Government for student visa holders.

4.3. Legacy Universities are The University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia and any of their preceding institutions. 

4.4. Personal Information is any information (including an opinion) about an identified or identifiable person.

4.5. Suspension means the cancellation of enrolment of a student from Adelaide University or a Legacy University and the discontinuation for a specified time of all rights and privileges as an Adelaide University student, including the right to re-enrol as a student, and the right to enter or to be on Adelaide University grounds or premises.


Document authorities and history


Procedure category


Approving Authority

Co-Vice Chancellors via Transition Council delegation upon recommendation from Transitional Academic Board

Responsible Officer 

Co-Vice Chancellors or their delegate

Procedure effective from

31 May 2024

Procedure review date

31 May 2029


Contact us

Document history

This is a new Adelaide University procedure

HESF Domain

Domain 1. Student Participation and Attainment


Related documents


Parent policy

Admissions Policy

Associated procedures


Referenced documents

Enrolment Policy

Children and Young People Safety Policy1

Student Critical Incident Procedure

Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment (SASH) Policy1

Referenced legislation

Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000

National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018

Migration Regulations 1994

Migration Act 1958

1 Forthcoming. Policy titles may be subject to further refinement.