What other costs will I have besides my university fees as a domestic student?

Last Modified: 13/Jul/2024

There are some fees and charges to consider when studying at Adelaide University.

Student Services and Amenities Fee

Domestic students will need to pay a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) at the start of each semester. Australian citizens, permanent humanitarian visa holders and some NZ citizens who are enrolled in an award program will be eligible to apply to defer the payment through the new Student and Amenities Higher Education Loan Program (SA-HELP). The loan is repaid through the taxation system, similar to HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP. The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) funds services for students. This includes:
  • social activities, food and beverages
  • sporting facilities
  • health and welfare support
  • employment, financial and insurance advice
  • student spaces
  • artistic activities
  • study skills and personal development workshops
  • orientation activities.

Student services charges and study-related costs

You should allow additional budget for textbooks and basic study materials. Depending on your program, other costs may include:
  • specialist equipment (e.g. laboratory coats, microscopes, stethoscopes, musical instruments)
  • optional supplementary reading and academic program materials
  • field trips
  • above-quota internet and printing costs
  • research-related expenses such as thesis preparation, printing and binding.

Recreation fees

You may want to spend extra money on university services such as joining the gym, and other events. While non-compulsory, these fees can provide access to exclusive offers and opportunities to network with like-minded peers.
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